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principles of management openstax apa citation

Insomnia: Definition, prevalence, etiology, and consequences. Archives of Internal Medicine, 167, 19511957. The I am ages essay iranian restaurant on paper was only a whos been with the companies he works legacy users. Intimacy as an interpersonal process: The importance of self-disclosure, partner disclosure, and perceived partner responsiveness in interpersonal exchanges. Corporate equality index 2014: Rating American workplaces on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality. DHHS Publication No. Bariatric surgery versus non-surgical treatment for obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Information is presented in an informative way without any bias. Developmental Science, 10, F8F14. If you are looking for less traditional chapters, such as gender and human sexuality, you will not find those in this book, but should consider using supplemental material or incorporating these other topics throughout the chapters currently available in this book. The power of situations: Jonestown and the fundamental attribution error. The search bar was a great tool. REM, not incubation, improves creativity by priming associative networks. The non-trivial functions of sleep. Human Resouce Management, 43, 395407. Interactive effect of stressful life events and the serotonin transporter 5-HTTLPR genotype on posttraumatic stress disorder diagnosis in 2 independent populations. The history of introspection reconsidered. The book offers a comprehensive treatment of core concepts, grounded in both classic studies and current and emerging research. Learned helplessness in humans: Critique and reformulation. In this sense, the scientific process is circular. Sexual behavior in the human male. An integrative framework for understanding two-sided persuasion. (2007). Gross, J. J. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 101, 1731217315. (2012). The content in the textbook appears to be presented in an unbiased approach. British Medical Journal, 332, 13591362. Psychological Bulletin, 132, 477495. Arnst, C. (2003, November). Journal of Neuroscience, 26, 21152123. (1992). 24766). Journal of Adolescent Health, 26, 176186. With respect to the examples, they are strong, coherent, and largely relatable. The global burden of headache: A documentation of headache prevalence and disability worldwide. Influence of socioeconomic status, social network, and competence on subjective well-being in later life. Bobbs-Merrill. Wundt, W. (1874/1886). 117144). The ice cream truck example IS a good example of classical conditioning. I-O psychologists are often involved in issues related to personnel management, organizational structure, and workplace environment. Krosnick, J. For instance, you may notice that your favorite fruitsapples, bananas, and orangesall grow on trees; therefore, you assume that all fruit must grow on trees. Given how difficult this topic is for students, I cannot adopt this textbook until this error is corrected. The Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 42, 120128. Karasik, L. B., Adolph, K. E., Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., & Bornstein, M. H. (2010). Maier, S. F., Watkins, L. R., & Fleshner, M. (1994). 218248). Harvard Business Review, 79, 7281. Rothbart, M. K., Ahadi, S. A., & Evans, D. E. (2000). Beck, A. T. (1976). Very logically divided into concepts that would be easy to assign as reading. Frewer, L., & Bleus A. V. (1991). Regulation of monoamine transporters: Influence of psychostimulants and therapeutic antidepressants. read more. (1996). Farrar, Straus, and Giroux. University Press of Mississippi. Stealing in the name of justice: Informational and interpersonal moderators of theft reactions to underpayment inequity. Lamb & L.R. An integrated counseling and learning center. Insight Books., U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. al. The chapters are a suitable length and practical for students needing a quick review. Freud, S. (1923/1949). 2017. When jargon cannot be avoided, the authors include many (i.e.,) parentheses. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 3, 31. The text describes the shock as a US, and discomfort as the UR, the edge of yard as a CS and avoiding that area as a CR. Although I haven't personally contacted OpenStax directly, I have heard they are good about accepting recommendations and making adjustments for future versions which is great! Each chapter ends with a glossary, a summary, review questions, critical thinking questions, and personal application questions. The students did not report this to be problematic, however. For example, the term resistant attachment isnt used in any of Ainsworths work that Im aware of. Fleischman, A., Bertolote, J. M., Belfer, M., & Beautrais, A. European Addiction Research, 18, 228245. . Henry, D., & Rosenthal, L. (2013). Bandura, A., Ross, D., & Ross, S. A. Teens suicide prompts a look at bullying. (2012, November 7). Brooks-Cole. Zwicker, J. G. (2005). 599622). By nature of wanting to provide high quality materials at low cost, it seems the spine of Open Resource materials is about social justice and access for all. (2009). The hearts content: The association between positive psychological well-being and cardiovascular health. The effect of severity of initiation on liking for a group, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 59, 177181. Emotional life is largely housed in the limbic system, and it critically It is consistently a pretty dry read, but I do appreciate that it hangs together like a real book and not like a piece meal of articles that swing wildly in style or approach. National Institutes of Health. Current Psychiatry Reports, 12(298), 299305. & Kamitani, Y. The text is organized and written such that updating the text to stay current with new information and cutting-edge research would be extremely easy to accomplish. Behavioral genetics of the higher-order factors of the Big Five. I do think that a few more examples of recent research could be included, and that the tone could be a bit more exciting, but otherwise, not a bad intro to psychology textbook. Maslow, A. H. (1950). Maths and cryptology. Latan, B., & Darley, J. M. (1968). Neuroimage, 33(3), 825833. Strauss, V. (2019, March 19). Routledge. Hackmann, A., Clark, D. M., & McManus, F. (2000). Otherwise, the information is present and broad enough for the courses I teach. Of baboons and men: Social circumstances, biology, and the social gradient in health. Abela, J. R., & Hankin, B. L. (2011). Understanding current causes of womens underrepresentation in science. Message order effects in persuasion: An attitude strength perspective. Effective counseling methods for high-risk college freshmen. Basic Books. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and serotonin abnormalities: A selective overview of the implications of suicide prevention. (2013). Current opinion in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery, 18(5), 392398. (2010). Proske, U., & Gandevia, S. C. (2012). I teach a one-semester comprehensive into psych course. (2010). (2017, August 29). Stansfeld, S. A., Shipley, M. J., Head, J., & Fuhrer, R. (2012). I did not find any issues while reviewing the textbook. WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 25, 11471158. (2011). American Psychologist, 46, 352367. The influence of suggestion on suicide: Substantive and theoretical implications of the Werther Effect. Jang, K. L., Livesley, W. J., Ando, J., Yamagata, S., Suzuki, A., Angleitner, A., et al. Gold, D. R., Rogacz, S. R., Bock, N., Tosteson, T. D., Baum, T. M., Speizer, F. M., & Czeisler, C. A. Principles of economic analysis including measurement of aggregate economic activity, national income determination, money and banking, monetary and fiscal This was truly refreshing. There are also a fair amount of examples provided of the ways in which the material applies to various cultures. Erlbaum. As a general suggestion, novel research findings might be folded in by briefly discussing the finding and then have students compare/contrast with older findings via a "Dig Deeper" or "What Do You Think" question. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034989. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines, 58(6), 655662. and you must attribute OpenStax. (1976). Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 26, 112136. BMJ, 332, 521524. Notably, I've only twice found texts that are exactly what I would want for my courses. Seligman, M. E., Maier, S. F., & Geer, J. H. (1968). 2. ), Handbook of stress: Theoretical and clinical aspects (2nd ed., pp. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 10, 803814. Short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy for somatic disorders: Systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials. Basseches, M. (1984). These include things like functions of cerebral cortex, dreaming, opioid addiction. Journal of Gambling Studies, 35(3), 887914. I have not encountered any instances of confusing wording or problems with grammatical style. Allport, G. W. (1954). 197212). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 4572). One chapter stands out that is not commonly included is Chapter 13, Industrial/Organizational Psychology. As an entry level textbook, I feel that the information needs to be delivered in the way that is easiest to understand. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 14, 121132. Many people wondered how German soldiers were capable of torturing prisoners in concentration camps, and they were unsatisfied with the excuses given by soldiers that they were simply following orders. PloS ONE, 7(5), e34989. (2008). Moitra, E., Beard, C., Weisberg, R. B., & Keller, M. B. (1998). Tigner, R. B. Money, J. Adler, A. Sackett, D. L., & Rosenberg, W. M. (1995). In L. G. Castonguay & T. F. Oltmanns (Eds. Though these parentheses may disrupt flow at times, readers will generally appreciate the added information. Reviewed by Josh Pranger, Instructor, Trine University on 5/17/22, This book is used in our Principles of Psychology course and provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of Psychology. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 5(1), 6880. Current Epidemiology Reports, 4(2), 156165. In Everyday Connections, topics of relevant current issues that students are familiar with are presented for discussion. Public Opinion Quarterly, 15(4), 635650. I like that it was a mostly well-done framework from which I can teach, adding in my preference for more cultural/ethnic variety and some deeper-dives into specific interesting/difficult topics. The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of childhood cognitive development,2, 1148. Barbaresi, W. J., Colligan, R. C., Weaver, A. L., Voigt, R. G., Killian, J. M., & Katusic, S. K. (2013). (2011). These were found in sections deemed: Everyday Connections, What Do You Think?, Dig Deeper, and Connect the Concepts. Helson, H. (1964). Science, 120, 10451052. I appreciated the texts inclusion a chapter devoted to I/O psychology. (2020). . Journal of Personal Social Psychology, 35(9), 677688. . Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88, 158164. ), Handbook of personality: Theory and research. Parker-Pope, T. (2013, May 2). Video games and youth violence: A prospective analysis in adolescents. Crockett, S. J. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 54, 820828., Kaiser, P. K. (1997). Journal of Applied Psychology, 78, 939948. A Conversation with Arthur Jensen. Now, discover your strengths. A., Eldridge, A. L., Thompson, D., Affenito, S. G., Striegel-Moore, R. H., Franko, D. L., . In W. C. Borman, D. R. Ilgen, R. J. Limoski, & I. Differential assessment of emotions and moods: Development and validation of the emotion and mood components of anxiety questionnaire. 4789). Sleep can reduce proactive interference. Nolen-Hoeksema, S., Larson, J., & Grayson, C. (1999). In The social animal (p. 151). The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 71, 669681. Scientific American, 218, 1923. Maslow, A. H. (1970). Social facilitation: A meta-analysis of 241 studies. McCabe, R. E., Antony, M. M., Summerfeldt, L. J., Liss, A., & Swinson, R. P. (2003). CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 63, 3144. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 37, 3845. All companies must take to create an agile digital skills and abilities of its resources. (2001). ), Cognition and the symbolic processes (pp. (2011). The book provides a chapter corresponding to the material of most major Psychology textbooks (with the added bonus of being a free resource). DeLongis, A., Coyne, J. C., Dakof, G., Folkman, S., & Lazarus, R. S. (1982). Personality, intelligence, and approaches to learning as predictors of academic performance. Andrea Yates: More to the story. Rushton, J. P., & Jensen, A. R. (2005). The text may be broken down within chapters to focus on certain subareas of study. Health Psychology, 17, 214223. Journal of Research in Personality, 41, 221229. ), and Openstax provides an online platform that allows the text to be revised and updated, which makes updates easy to complete. Atkins, P. W. B., & Wood, R. E. (2002). (1986). Textbook offered an entire section on biopsychology that was in-depth, without being overwhelming. Closing the achievement gap. B., Gabrieli, J. J. D., & Gross, J. J. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 4, 819828. Erlbaum. Gentry, W. A., Weber, T. J., & Sadri, G. (2008). Applied. Connecting DSM-5 personality traits and pathological beliefs: Toward a unifying model. . In M. Weinstein, & M. A. Industrial Psychology: Selecting and Evaluating Employees, Organizational Psychology: The Social Dimension of Work, Human Factors Psychology and Workplace Design, Diagnosing and Classifying Psychological Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, Mental Health Treatment: Past and Present, Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders: A Special Case, The Sociocultural Model and Therapy Utilization, Some of our ancestors, across the world and over the centuries, believed that trephinationthe practice of making a hole in the skull, as shown hereallowed evil spirits to leave the body, thus curing mental illness and other disorders. The Medical Journal of Australia, 199, 759761. Segall, M. H., Campbell, D. T., & Herskovits, M. J. Subliminal priming of motivational orientation in educational settings: Effect on academic performance moderated by mindfulness. Corkin, S. (1965). (2009). van Praag, H. (2008). Maher, W. B., & Maher, B. Is psychopathology associated with the timing of pubertal development? Relation of dreams to waking concerns. More information could also be added to images (example, the image of brain hemispheres only shows one hemisphere, and nothing else. Cognitive Therapy vs medications in the treatment of moderate to severe depression. Given such diversity, cognitive psychology is not captured in one chapter of this text per se; rather, various concepts related to cognitive psychology will be covered in relevant portions of the chapters in this text on sensation and perception, thinking and intelligence, memory, lifespan development, social psychology, and therapy. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Working Paper 389). ), Beyond formal operations: Late adolescent and adult cognitive development (pp. ), Handbook of educational psychology (pp. (2006). Lovaas, O. I. The images and videos used included individuals with diverse backgrounds. doi:10.1037/h0030372. Rothstein, J. M. (2004). Someone with a lower score on a given dimension could be described in opposite terms. Bond, R., & Smith, P. B. Wampold, B. E. (2007). The influence of culture on defining intelligence is mentioned. De Vogli, R., Chandola, T., & Marmot, M. G. (2007). In D. E. Hinton & B. J. Journal of Asthma, 30, 521. The text appears to be up to date but could include more culturally relevant examples, especially in the Social Psychology section. Women and Minorities in Psychology. Frances, A. To date no student (among the 800 who have used it) has commented on insensitive/offensive statements. Self-Harm, Suicidal Behaviours, and Cyberbullying in Children and Young People: Systematic Review. Swaab, D. F., & Hofman, M. A. 4, pp. Failure to escape traumatic shock. Neurotherapeutics, 9, 739752. 273319). By far, this is the area of psychology that receives the most attention in popular media, and many people mistakenly assume that all psychology is clinical psychology. ), Advances in developmental psychology (Vol. Trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder prevalence and sociodemographic characteristics. The interface of this textbook allows for learning in several formats, which can accommodate for students unique learning styles and desires in accessing their textbook. (2011). Nealey-Moore, J. Havas, D. A., Glenberg, A. M., Gutowski, K. A., Lucarelli, M. J., & Davidson, R. J. Very well written and very easy to comprehend. Sexual orientation was mentioned 58 times and many good studies and current events in the field were highlighted. There are many examples of inclusivity of other cultures and pictures that provide an understanding of other cultures as well. 7386). Racial/ethnic differences in adults in randomized clinical trials of binge eating disorder., Benjamin, L., Henry, K., & McMahon, L. (2005). Hothersall, D. (1995). For instance, "Gender identity refers to ones sense of being male or female" is a bit simplistic and reliant on the old-fashioned, binary model of gender. Daniel, D. (n.d.). It is easy to navigate between pages or pick a new section from the left navigation menu. The writing level appears appropriate for undergraduate students and their reading level and the use of bold and italics helps in differentiating/emphasizing concepts of importance. The book seems accurate and unbiased, I didn't find any errors in its description of research or other information. This free textbook is an OpenStax resource written to increase student access to high-quality, peer-reviewed learning materials. A review of borderline personality disorder. Intellectual development: Birth to Adulthood. A literature review and guide to needed research. Addison-Wesley. Theories and principles of motivation. Health psychology (4th ed.). then you must include on every digital page view the following attribution: Use the information below to generate a citation. Resistance and suppression. Observational conditioning of fear to fear-relevant versus fear-irrelevant stimuli in rhesus monkeys. Food additives and hyperactive behaviour in 3-year-old and 8/9-year-old children in the community: A randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. Green, M. F. (2001). Optimization of single-photon response transmission at the rod-to-rod bipolar synapse. There appears to be a consistent formatting and terminology used. Victims of groupthink. Nature Neuroscience, 9, 10041006. American Journal of Psychiatry, 136, 12571262. Supply dynamics of the mental health workforce: Implications for health policy. Brunner/Mazel. Owens, D., Horrocks, J., & House, A. Courage, M. L., & Howe, M. L. (2002). Acetylcholine: A neurotransmitter for learning and memory? According to the James-Lange theory, these physiological changes would result in your feeling of fear. Piotrowski, Z. Lecci, L. B. Temperament: An organizing paradigm for trait psychology. ), Psychopathology: From science to clinical practice (pp. It even includes a chapter on industrial-organizational psychology, which is now being added to most psychology textbooks. (2000). With the integration of up to date cultural issues and the ability to update frequently this text actually may have a much longer relevancy than most of the texts students buy which are soon outdated. In search of the engram. Cathcart, S., Petkov, J., & Pritchard, D. (2008). (2013). Walker, I., & Crogan, M. (1998). References cited are a mixture of classics and new. Psychotherapy: Understanding group therapy. (2012a). We live in the event in adolescent health the future of management. Bouton, M. E., Mineka, S., & Barlow, D. H. (2001). I found this text to be very readable and engaging. No one was actually hurt or harmed in any way, Milgrams experiment was a clever ruse that took advantage of research confederates, those who pretend to be participants in a research study who are actually working for the researcher and have clear, specific directions on how to behave during the research study (Hock, 2009). Autism's false prophets: Bad science, risky medicine, and the search for a cure. Pillard, R. C., & Bailey, M. J. Banks, S., & Dinges, D. F. (2007). Reviewed by Joshua Smith, Psychology Instructor, Dodge City Community College on 12/15/21, I am currently using this textbook for my General/Introductory Psychology course. Post-traumatic stress disorder, conditioning, and network theory. This textbook covered a "career" section that was in-depth. Trends in the abuse of prescription drugs. Helliwell, J., Layard, R., & Sachs, J. You won't find anything revolutionary here, but it is comfortable predictable for Intro Psych instructors. At the beginning or end product. Work: Journal of Prevention, Assessment, and Rehabilitation, 17, 235246. Personality and the perception of transformational leadership: The impact of extraversion, neuroticism, personal need for structure, and occupational self-efficacy. This text covers all of the significant aspects of psychology that psychology and other students should have as they move forward in their education. McGregor, D. (1960). 116). In addition to its applied nature, I-O psychology also involves conducting scientific research on behavior within I-O settings (Riggio, 2013). Taylor, S. E. (1999). Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 78, 265274. Personnel Psychology, 56, 431462. Journal of Adolescent Health, 28, 346352. Sexual orientation and the 2nd to 4th finger length ratio: Evidence for organising effects of sex hormones or developmental instability? Glucose metabolic rate in normal and schizophrenics during the continuous performance test assessed by positron emission tomography. As the new governor, you need to decide whether to continue funding early intervention programs. Krumboltz, M. (2014, February 18). When you look at this image, you may see a duck or a rabbit. Thomas A. Steitz Biographical. Lucid dreaming: Psychophysiological studies of consciousness during REM sleep. Harcourt, Brace & World. Pickren, W. & Rutherford, A. Cannon, W. B. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 27, 154164. Hormone and Metabolic Research, 44, 587591. B. Schwartz, B. S., Stewart, W. F., Simon, D., & Lipton, R. B. ), The social psychology of intergroup relations (pp. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.62.8.857, Weil, E. (2012, March 2). Childrens eyewitness memory: A modern history and contemporary commentary. For example, in the Sensation and Perception chapter, the authors provide a good overview and differentiation of sensation and perception., National Institute on Drug Abuse. Vol. (1999, June 25). Missed alarms and 40 million stolen credit card numbers: How Target blew it. The organization of the text is similar to the great majority of the introduction to psychology texts. American Psychologist, 55, 5667. Harvester Wheatsheaf. (1940). doi:10.1542/peds.2011-0054. Coverage of the Stanford Prison Experiment in introductory psychology textbooks. Psychological research has a long history involving important figures from diverse backgrounds.

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principles of management openstax apa citation