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venetian empire religion

Between 8 and 6 BC, Augustus reorganized Italia into 11 regions. [79] Vicenza is a thriving and cosmopolitan city, with a rich history and culture, and many museums, art galleries, piazzas, villas, churches and elegant, Renaissance palazzi. Could you be our overlord? The Venetians sometimes said that, no, they couldnt. When they took over territoriesDalmatia, what is now Veneto and Friulidid they do so on the back of significant military campaigns, or were they able to annex those territories without huge military conflict? Venetians give you an early merchant estate, let you make trade posts, and let you build a super-shipyard; you can't get any of that otherwise, so always take them with you. Most of Palladio's surviving villas lay outside the site. During the last 20 years, a large number of Venetian companies relocated their plants (especially the most dangerous and polluting productions) in Eastern Europe, especially Romania. On the heels of the Huns came the Ostrogoths who not only invaded, but also settled down in the region, especially near Treviso where the penultimate king Totila was born.[15]. In 812 Venice became a Byzantine province - under the protection of the Eastern Roman Empire, the city was able to develop in peace. There is a bit of a debate about this in legal historical circles. It was a city-state with a small population and no sizeable land holdings. To fully understand a commercial empire, I think you need to consider it. The province of Belluno hosts the so-called eyeglasses district, being the largest world manufacturer Luxottica a firm domiciled at Agordo. He was president of the History of Education Society and member of the executive board of the American Educational Research Association. The city was not without its problems: there were rivalries between old and new merchant-aristocrats, trade ebbed and . You can see the difference in the architecture: The government buildings on the mainland were fortressesrugged stone structures with large internal courtyards for the assembly of mounted troops. When you build your city on a lagoon rather than dry land, you cant afford to squabble with each other or ever let your guard down. Montegrotto Terme and Recoaro Terme are other resorts. Venice was a unique city. In most cases the owners named their palazzi and villas with the family surname, hence there is both a Palazzo Chiericati in Vicenza and a Villa Chiericati in the countryside, similarly there is a Palazzo Foscari in Venice and a Villa Foscari in the countryside. The city historically was the capital of an independent nation. The creation of the Venetian republic is said to have accompanied the starting of the church of St. James at the exact same time. An important hub on the military road between Friuli and Raetia, it was destroyed by Attila in the 5th century. [14] Meanwhile, under the Pax Romana, Patavium developed into one of the most important cities of northern Italy. But some good Collections of Studies and single- or dual-authored works illuminate the situation in the main . Othellos Venice was already a long-established, cosmopolitan trading center when Shakespeares play was written. It is organized thematically and covers a range of topics including political. Albarella island is a private island on the Lido. Venice started greater Colonial expansion in Crimea under Marino Morosini in 1250 AD. In 49 BC it became a Roman municipality, containing c. 10,000 inhabitants at its peak. The 18th-century Venetian school comprises many artists. He emphasizes the importance of seeing Venice as a hinge, a connector between realms, the two eaststhe Orthodox east and the Islamic eastand the Latin west. By area, 29% of its surface is mountainous (Carnic Alps, eastern Dolomites and Venetian Prealps). Jesolo is one of the most important seaside resorts on the Adriatic coast, just a few kilometres far from Venice. In 1915, Italy entered the First World War on the side of the France and the United Kingdom, after extricating itself from its alliance with Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Po Valley, covering 57% of Veneto, extends from the mountains to the Adriatic sea, broken only by some low hills: Euganean Hills, Berici Hills Colli Asolani and Montello, which constitute the remaining 14% of the territory. The Armistice of Villa Giusti which ended warfare between Italy and Austria-Hungary in World War I, was signed at Villa Giusti near Padua. The overall population has so far been increasing though only slightly due to the net immigration started at the end of the 1980s, after more than 20 years of massive exodus from the poorer areas of the region. If you understand the Venetian empire not as an early modern imperialistic entity along the lines of the British Empire, but more as something geared towards maximizing and enabling trade connectivity, then these diasporic communities are essential because they make the connection. It is also spoken outside of Veneto, such as in Friuli Venezia Giulia (including in Trieste, see Triestine dialect), Istria in Croatia and Slovenia and Dalmatia in Croatia, Brazil (Talian dialect) and Mexico (Chipilo Venetian dialect). Amongst the Renaissance artists who worked there were Donatello, who worked on an altar of the Basilica of Saint Anthony, and Pisanello, whose works are mainly in Verona, for example, the fresco of Saint George in the Church of St. Anastasia. A better-known and more general way of dividing Italy is into four parts: the north, the centre, the south, and the islands. Tagged: Venetian Empire, WEA. These invaders subdivided the territory of Venetia into numerous feuds ruled by Germanic dukes and counts, essentially creating the division of Veneto from Friuli. The Collegio is the executive arm of the government. Built on the water, when it became a nation, it desired merchant trade - but Venetian colonizers wanted something else. Before, it was really a mercenary force. Civic traditions in modern Italy, "Consiglio Regionale Veneto Sala stampa", "Consiglio Regionale Veneto Progetti di legge e proposte", "Venetians vote to say arrivederci to Italy The Times", "REFERENDUM DI INDIPENDENZA DEL VENETO: I RISULTATI", "Veneto Libero, Indipendente (nella Nato in Europa e con l'Euro. Il Problema lo STATO ITALIANO) Rischio Calcolato", "Voti gonfiati al referendum veneto "Un elettore su 10 collegato dal Cile", "Numeri falsi, i counter confermano "Il 10 per cento dei voti dal Cile", "Il referendum Veneto e quegli strani accessi da Santiago del Cile", "Appendice: Tavole anagrafiche: Tavola I Comuni del Veneto: superficie, densit, altimetria, zona altimetrica, aggregazione territoriale (Ulss, Stl, Comunit montane): 2007", "Foreign Citizens. Your email address will not be published. Though its importance has been decreasing for the past 2030 years, agriculture continues to play a significant role in the regional economy. Zoroastrianism , an ancient monotheistic religion, dominated the Persian Empire until Islam . Many other Venetian Cities have similar fortifications such as Heraklion, Chania, and Kotor. The story of the Lord of Faith's banishment of the Grazir at the Battle of Enlightenment, and his subsequent transcendence is a story known to every child in the land. Hes a fantastic historian, but still a child of his time. When trade routes in the Atlantic opened and the Dutch and English took over the spice trade, Venices power began to ebb. Read more on Its population is about five million, ranking fourth in Italy. After a phase of development of Gothic art, with the creation of important works including the Ca' d'Oro and the Doge's Palace in Venice, and the churches of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari and of Saints John and Paul in Venice, the influence of the Renaissance ushered in a new era. In 2008, the Italian national institute of statistics ISTAT estimated that 403,985 foreign-born immigrants live in Veneto, equal to 8.3% of the total regional population. During the 3rd century BC, the Veneti, together with the Cenomani Celts on their western border, sided with the Romans, as Rome expanded and struggled against the Insubres and Boii (Celts). Then you have it at Lepanto. In many of these places, their descendants have maintained the use of their ancestral Venetian dialects. "[63] was a painter and printmaker, who together with Giambattista Pittoni, Canaletto, Giovan Battista Piazzetta, Giuseppe Maria Crespi and Francesco Guardi formed the ultimate group of traditional great Venetian old master painters of that period. Bibione, Eraclea and Sottomarina are resorts too. As the region does not enjoy a special status of autonomy, minority languages are not granted any form of official recognition. Artists of the successive phase included Giorgione, Titian, Sebastiano del Piombo and Lorenzo Lotto. They were crucial in terms of connectivity. Later in 49 BC, by the Lex Roscia granted full Roman citizenship to the Veneti. Many settled down in South America, especially in Brazil; others in Australia, Canada, and the United States of America. Important was, however, the role of Accademia di Belle Arti in Venice, who was able to attract many young artists from the surrounding territory. Thats why I included it. Most of all Christianity clashed with the official state religion of the empire, for Christians refused to perform Caesar worship. Greek-Byzantine rule did not last long. A lot of the galleys at the battle of Lepanto were Venetian, presumably under the power of the Pope or Emperor Charles V. Also, didnt the Venetians play a strong role in the naval protection of the Christian emperor in Constantinople against the depredations of the Ottoman Empire? Among these: Veneto, and in particular Venice and Verona, are important Italian musical centres, home to a vibrant musical life. Normally the process is marked by a pragmatic use of opportunity. Typical of Veneto is the partition of the territory into industrial districts, which means that each area tends to specialise in a specific sector. I realize that Florence is usually called the Athens of Renaissance Italy, the center of learning and art; but Venice has a far better claim to that title. One of my favourites is a relatively late source. The Venetians are intervening de facto on the side of the Mamluks, so you have this mercenary element there as well: naval services in exchange for smooth trade relations. His most important works include Psyche Revived by Love's Kiss and The Three Graces. THE VENETIAN EMPIRE Anglo-Welsh by birth, Welsh by loyalty, Jan Morris divides her time between her library-house in North Wales, her dacha in the Black Mountains of South Wales and travel abroad. In the Middle Ages, the Senate is almost akin to a board of directors and the Maggior Consiglio to a stakeholder meeting. And they became a fond memory. Perspective played a central role in Tiepolo's representations, and was forced beyond the usual limits in his ceiling decorations depicting levitating figures viewed from below. That works well for a while. Our intro tried to make sense of this debate in a rigorous, academic way. Paolo Veronese (15281588) was about as prolific as Tintoretto, with works that celebrated the Venetian state,[62] as well as decorating houses of Venetian nobles. Belluno is the least densely populated province, with 57 inhabitants per km2. In 2003 the university had approximately 65,000 students. The book corrects a tendency for historians to focus on the maritime wing of the empire: the galley, the East, gold and pepper. The territory soon reverted to Napoleon in 1801. It was hard to be a city apart yet a trader with the world. Notable Venetian-language authors include the playwrights Carlo Goldoni (17071793) and Carlo Gozzi (17201806), while Ruzante (15021542) is best known for his rustic comedies "cast in mainland peasant Pavan 'Paduan'".[68]. ceramics by non-Greek cultures such as the Achaemenid empire in the east and the Illyrians on the Adriatic in the west. Giorgione's enigmatic style infused his work with allegory, and he created his paintings with less reliance on a preparatory drawing than previous painters. What does it mean to control something that is bigger than a territorial state? The President of Veneto, colloquially nicknamed Governor or even Doge in remembrance of Venice's traditional head of state, is also the head of the Regional Government. Venetia remained under Austrian control until the Austro-Prussian War in 1866, when the Kingdom of Italy joined on the Prussian side and was promised Venetia in exchange for its assistance. The City of Venice was built around 400 AD by the Roman Empire. The 36 Lombard duchies included the Venetian cities of Ceneda, Treviso, Verona, and Vicenza. Yet another component of the empires success was its remarkably flexible foreign policy. This aesthetic, through his publications, proved popular and underwent a revival in the neoclassical period. the law establishing and regulating the regional institution, which was first promulgated on 22 May 1971), uses the term "people" for Venetians, but, like in the case of Sardinians, this is not a legal recognition of any differences from other Italian citizens. Yet it purchased this marginality by pitting its skill against rising and falling waters, which perpetually threatened its islands with spates from the rivers spiraling out into its lagoon, or periodic tides shouldering back toward it. The city also has the Felice Evaristo Dall'Abaco music conservatory; Inserted by UNESCO in 1997. Venice is built on more than 100 small islands in a lagoon in Northern Italy on the Adriatic Sea. The Republic of Venice: The History of the Venetian Empire and Its Influence across the Mediterranean Paperback - April 11, 2019 . Figure (front). What Is The Literary Legacy of the Renaissance? Where was the real center of power in the Venetian governmentwith the doge, the Senate, the Ten, the Collegio, the Larger Council? 08), which is the largest in area and the most mountainous. Since then there has been no scientific attempt to write a complete survey, neither about the city nor about the terraferma or the maritime empire. The Roman Republic gradually transformed its alliance with the Veneti into a relationship of dominance. Thus, the spirit of political and religious conservatism grew increasingly tenacious in Venice. The pride of the Venetian Empire was its massive naval fleet, which enabled its rapid expansion across . Veneto hosts one of the oldest universities in the world, the University of Padua, founded in 1222. attracting travelers interested in religion, art, culture, architecture, the seashore as well as shopping. In a way, its in the tradition of Marino Sanuto, who I mentioned earlier. How did they use it very carefully to distinguish between the universal empire of a Byzantine emperor, or the Roman emperor, or the Pope for that matter, versus the other Latin meaning, which is to have limited control, typically for a limited period, over a very clearly distinct area? Thanks to scientific advances, we're finding out more and more about prehistoric people, including women and their lives during the Upper Paleolithic era. It asked to be annexed to the Kingdom of Sardinia to form an Italian confederation against Austria, then using the Italian tricolour in its flag, but, after the other Italian states left the war (May 1848) and Sardinia surrendered (August 1848, then March 1849), Venetia stood alone. In 2008, there were 260,849 Venetian citizens living outside of Italy (5.4% of the region's population), the largest number was found in Brazil, with 57,052 Venetians, followed by Switzerland, with 38,320, and Argentina, with 31,823. It was an admixture of complex ceremonies, practices, animistic beliefs, varied forms of belief in objects having magical powers, and nature worshipculminated in the worship of the sun, which was presided over by the Inca priests. Venetian settlers set up trading posts. Thus, Region X (Venetia et Histria) became Province VIII (Venetia et Histria), being enlarged in the west up to the Adda River governed by a corrector until 363 and from 368 to 373 by a consularius seated at Aquileia. Venice's Lido is an 11-kilometre-long sandbar, visited by many tourists every summer. A few of these fortifications are combined to form UNESCO World Heritage Site known as the " Venetian Works of Defence between the 16th and 17th Centuries ." Venice has been known as the "La Dominante", "Serenissima", "Queen of the Adriatic", "City of Water", "City of Bridges", "City of Canals" and "The City of Light". This caused citizens to flock to the city. [47], In 2004, over 95% of the population claimed to be Roman Catholic. And was now an open Target. Its very worldliness made it tolerant of anyone who could offer a market. Venice had nolibido dominandi,only alibido vendendi,a vendors compulsion. Why is this book a must-read on the Venetian Empire? This is about maintaining the empire that is always there and that guarantees mercantile freedoms. Rejection of the Second Council of Constantinople (553) led to a schism wherein the bishops of Aquileia, Liguria, Aemilia, Milan and of the Istrian peninsula all refused to condemn the Three Chapters leading to the churches of Veneto to break communion with the Church of Rome. Starting in 568 AD, the Lombards crossed the Julian Alps. The White Asparagus of Cimadolmo (PGI) has a peculiar scent and a very delicate taste. The region's capital is Venice while the biggest city is Verona. Venetian dialects are classified as Western Romance. In Friuli at the beginning of the 15th century, there was a civil war. The Doge of Venice has been the leader of Venice since the start. If entrepreneurs do not keep up with the innovative strategies, they would eventually end up losing their market share. Buy $14.99. In the fast paced world of technology, innovation is the name of the game. During 1809, the region revolted against the French-Italian rule,[16] supporting the advancing Austrian troops during the War of the Fifth Coalition. Mappe, Popolazione, Statistiche Demografiche dell'ISTAT", "Export, Nordest locomotiva chiude il 2019 a +2,3%", "Microsoft Word 19-2008 de ins.doc", "Timioara, la nuova provincia industriale veneta", "Comunicato Nr 294 Sito Ufficiale della Regione Veneto", "Tasso di disoccupazione livello regionale", "On Wine: Proseccos sparkle on their own terms", "Italian Makers of Prosecco Seek Recognition", "World Heritage Centre World Heritage List", "The Most Beautiful City In The World The", "The city of Bergamo UNESCO World Heritage Centre", Venice and Veneto in the Words of Great North American Travelers, Austrian occupation and Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia,, NUTS 2 statistical regions of the European Union, Articles incorporating a citation from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia with Wikisource reference, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox settlement with bad settlement type, Articles containing Venetian-language text, Articles containing explicitly cited English-language text, Articles containing Italian-language text, Pages using infobox settlement with possible demonym list, Articles with MusicBrainz area identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Secondary (industry, processing, manufacturing), Tertiary (Commerce, hotels and restaurants, tourism, (tele)communications and transport), This page was last edited on 1 November 2022, at 14:43. Jan Morris brings this really crucial fluidity in what is Venetian back in, which is a great thing. He decorated large portions of the Palazzo Ducale and the decoration of many villas Palladian, including Villa Barbaro. Italy is divided into 20 administrative regions, which correspond generally with historical traditional regions, though not always with exactly the same boundaries. An Exarch was established at Ravenna while a military tribune was set up in Oderzo. Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of Veneto are a number of Palladian villas which are World Heritage Sites. Some of the topics Kathleen expects to address during our voyage include the mythology and religion of prehistoric Venices imperialism resembledthat of ancient Athens. Its fragility was the paradoxical source of its stability over time. The following year he took Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire. Veneto is a semi-presidential representative democracy. Lantern Theater Companys production of Othello was originally scheduled for spring 2020 and has been postponed until further notice due to Covid-19. Veneto is divided into the Metropolitan City of Venice and 6 provinces and also divided in 581 municipalities. Consisting of more than 2000 members. So Venice acted on behalf of the emperor, if you like, exercising empire without trying to become an empire. Together with Padua, the city is included in the Padua-Venice Metropolitan Area (population 1,600,000). Venetia et Histria remained one of the 16 Provinces of Italy in the 5th century when both Alaric the Goth and then Attila and the Huns devastated the area. Its very much a sea-based resource, although technically the salt pan itself is on land. But this becomes more and more of a state affair because part of what comes out of it is not just payment that goes to these different operators of ships, but also political privileges and rights that are then held and controlled by the Venetian community, the city of Venice. Historians refer to this perception as the "myth of Venice." Answer should uncle the rise of European competition, new world intrusion into commercial agriculture, the inability of the Turks to change to a manufacturing system, and internal corruption. It had to be very careful about preservation, as a solid thing on a fluid base. Its a beautiful read, precisely because she is a journalist, and can maybe take these liberties that historians cant. It needed precariously balanced and always shifting alliances to prop up its imperial holdings. This has led to the establishment of a strongly export-orientated system of industries. I think foregrounding Venice merely as a connector, as a node was a really important shift and although its a famous book, it has not penetrated mainstream historiography as much as it ought to. In Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice," religion was more than a belief in a higher being; it reflected moral standards and ways of living. It had a ruling class of patricians that was established by law and constituted only a tenth of the population. More than 100 years earlier in 332 its Emperor Constantine, who'd erected his victory arch in Rome, had moved the capital of the empire to . In 131 BC, the Via Annia joined Adria to Patavium (modern Padua) to Altinum to Concordia to Aquileia. In Padova, musical ensembles such as the Amici della Musica di Padova, the Solisti Veneti and the Padova-Veneto Symphony are found. Its buildings were raised on subaqueous platforms of pilespiles driven, in stripped forests, down out of sight. Several rivers flow through the region: the Po, Adige, Brenta, Bacchiglione, Livenza, Piave, and Tagliamento. Another important territory, both for historical Venice and for Othello, was Cyprus. The Venetian Empire : a sea voyage, Jan Morris. Attila laid siege to Aquileia and turned it into a ruin in 452 AD. For centuries, Christian groups challenged Muslim territorial dominance in al-Andalus and slowly expanded their territory. They have been added in 2021. Its a history of connectivity. If Venice dominated its imperial holdings, this was done only so far as domination could be made profitable. The Battle of the Piave River prevented their troops from advancing further and was celebrated in La Leggenda del Piave. The research style of Palladio has created an architectural movement called Palladianism, which has had strong following in the next three centuries, inspiring architects, some of them his direct students, including Vincenzo Scamozzi, after the death of the teacher who completed several works, including the first Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza. The term villa was used to describe a country house. One that would leave a major mark in history, forever. The climate changes significantly from one area to another: while it is continental on the plains, it is milder along the Adriatic coast; around the Lake Garda and in the hilly areas. Veneto ( US: / vnto, ven -/, [4] Italian: [vneto]; [5] Venetian: Vneto [vneto]) or Venetia [5] is one of the 20 regions of Italy. These Venetians were among those slaughtered at the Battle of Cannae (216 BC). Jul 13, 2012 #6 Falastur. These ancient Veneti spoke Venetic, an Indo-European language akin to, but distinct from Latin and the other Italic languages. THE ENERGY ENHANCEMENT SECRET KNOWLEDGE OF LUCIFERIANISM AND SATANISM BY THE NEOPLATONIC ELITE Satanism, Luciferianism, Paganism, The Old Religion from Nimrod and Babylon and the Generational Family Gangs who created the Slave trading, Drug Smuggling Roman Empire, Venetian Empire, Dutch Empire, British Empire, Anglo-American Establishment, Vatican, Jesuits, Knights of Malta, New World Order. There was no ruling ideology except profit, so Venice never sought to impose its religion, culture, or way of life on others. Then there are changes as their informal power has to turn into formal power. You have the two famous paths, the Terraferma or land-based empire, and the sea-based empire. Most of the people of Veneto speak Italian, along with widespread usage of local varieties of the Venetian language. the medieval Maritime Republic of Venicewas often popularly called the "Republic of Music", and an anonymous Frenchman of the 17th century is said to have remarked that "In every home, someone is playing a musical instrument or singing. Alberoni Beach is set in a nature reserve. Roth 1930 was a breakthrough for the history of the Jews in Venice, albeit concentrated on the Lagoon city itself. Jacopo Bassano (15171592) and Lorenzo Lotto were active in the mainland, and reflected some of the influences of Milanese painters with the introduction of images taken from real life, enriched by a touch of drama. If we want to talk about an empire, we need something that is bigger than a city or a territorial state and we have to define the degree of exertion of power. March 01, 1420: Pope Martin V called for crusade against followers of John Hus. UNESCO inscribed the site on the World Heritage List in 1994. Sculptors include Morlaiter, Filippo Parodi, Bernard Torretti and his nephew Giuseppe Torretti, and at the end of the republic Antonio Canova. And, in any case, your final destination is almost always outside the Venetian empire, according to the standard definition of historiansin Istanbul, Alexandria, Damascus, Aleppo, Bruges, London. Even Venice. The production area encompasses many town districts in the provinces of Treviso, Padua and Venice. The date of construction of these villas ranges from the 15th to the 19th century. It is located in the north-eastern part of Italy and is bordered to the east by Friuli-Venezia Giulia, to the south by Emilia-Romagna, to the west by Lombardy and to the north by Trentino-Alto Adige/Sdtirol. So his take on Venice, which is very subtle and does not in any way jeopardize the quality of the account, suggests this line that Venice is a predecessor of the modern empire in that it rests on a republican base. The Via Claudia would be completed in AD 46 to connected Altinum, Tarvisium (modern Treviso), Feltria (modern Feltre), and Tridentum (modern Trento). In the 7th6th centuries BC the local populations of Veneto entered into contact with the Etruscans and the Greeks. You could add the southern Adriatic. When you look at the fine print, even when they accept a role as protector or overlord, they often make sure that they are not offending the former or alternative overlords. For him, thinking about the legitimacy of empires, of modern empires, of the US empire was very important. A distinctive landmark of the Pre-alps are the cave formations, including chasms and sink holes; the Spluga della Preta, situated in the Monte Lessini chain in the province of Verona, has an explored depth of 985m (3,232ft), being the deepest cave in Italy. In reality, it goes without saying that the two wings must go hand in hand. Then more muscle comes into play, with Venetian troops eventually becoming active. It was too expensive, too complicated, too provocative. With a population of 271,367 (census estimate 1 January 2004). The Venetian Empire. Veneto was part of the Roman Empire until the 5th century AD. In the 20th century it was the venue for the career beginnings of Tullio Serafin, Beniamino Gigli and Renata Tebaldi. The region's capital is Venice while the biggest city is Verona . Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (16961770), described as "the greatest decorative painter of eighteenth-century Europe, as well as its most able craftsman. Click card to see definition . It had a much more mercenary side than maybe comes through in some of the mainstream accounts. From Tridentum it continued northwards to Pons Drusus and further to Augusta Vindelicorum (modern Augsburg), and southwards from Trento to Verona and Mutina (modern Modena). After the Regional Council approved a resolution on self-determination (with an explicit reference to a referendum) in November 2012,[29][30] a referendum bill was proposed in April 2013. The province of Venice hosts large metallurgical and chemical plants in Marghera and Mestre, but is also specialised in glass handicraft (Murano). Conventionally they extend from the Adige river in the west to the Piave valley (Pieve di Cadore) in the east. Its basically a eulogy. Cross the river Isonzo and cycle towards the Gulf of Trieste (55km/34mi) Day 6. Although the Ottoman Empire was defeated in that 1571 battle, they would win Cyprus away from Venice just two years later, presaging the decline of the once-powerful Venetian Republic. In Venice, he designed the Basilica of San Giorgio Maggiore, the Il Redentore, and Zitelle on the island of Giudecca.

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