coal gasification and its applications pdf

planetary health topics

Cluster based on similarity (Soerensen index, UPGMA-linkage) of numbers and species of testate amoebae in various immigration test sites, minicontainers (sites L, A), and recultivated forests. Industrial waste is manufacturing waste from a wide range of different processes, such as sludges, product residues, kiln dust, slags, and ashes. Communication network should be in place for ensuring timely flow of information, manpower, and materials to fire sites. Stringent legal actions to be ensured for the prevention of forest fires. In February 2012, JMA conducted questionnaire surveys in the Tohoku district and nationwide (JMA, 2012), asking residents how they obtained the EEW service, how they acted after receiving EEW announcements, how useful they considered EEW as a safety measure against strong ground shaking, and related questions. From an environmental health sciences perspective, it is important to have a clear and workable definition so that questions of environmental justice (or injustice) can be examined empirically by stating hypotheses upfront and then testing them in a rigorous and scientific manner. Forest Owlet habitat is vulnerable to illegal logging (Fig. There are many socioeconomic implications arising out of uncontrolled fires. Therefore, the concept of environmental justice has been taken up by many countries. [62] reported that paper mill sludge and tomato plant debris were suitable feed for the optimum growth and reproduction of E. fetida. Environmental history in North America is rooted to the expansive colonial control over the resources of newly settled areas. The scale of the evaluation (111) has been extended in such a way that respondents have the possibility to fully diversify the capacity of ecosystems to provide 11 ES in question. (1) This table is an example of what could be required for an NPDES permit; refer to 40 C.F.R. Emphasis has been placed on the role of science and technology as a catalyst for integrating ecology with economics. Dilip Kumar, Deepak Kumar, in Management of Coking Coal Resources, 2016. The land owners, often tribal population, and contractual farmers living within the Mining Lease area are rehabilitated and compensated by cash, separate housing, employment, health care, education, and other facilities. Table10.4. Compared with the value of many other ores, however, the price per unit mass of this coal is relatively low, and production costs must be kept to a minimum if mining is to remain economically viable. 18.2. Environmental justice demands that public policy be based on mutual respect and justice for all peoples, free from any form of discrimination or bias. The questionnaire survey used to collect opinions on ES potentials (see Section 3.1.2) also aimed to quantify the actual use of local ecosystem services and to examine respondents' knowledge about benefits deriving from them.Information on the declared use of services was obtained from both the first and the second part of the questionnaire. Industrial waste is created by industrial activities, such as factories, mills, and mines. Such degradation preempts many fundamental human rights, including the rights to health, livelihood, culture, privacy, and property. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Smith, in International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 2009. RCRA regulates hazardous waste based on toxic characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) and the characteristics of ignitability, corrosivity, and reactivity. Five environmental pillars have been established as a basis around which to manage protection and remedial activities. Fig.22.5 shows the integrated approach developed by Dowa Group. LCA can be conducted for a range of products, processes and services. The total loss of coal (L) during opencast mining (Talwar,1978) is due to the following four factors: where, l1, losses of coal in the roof and floor of the seam; l2, losses of coal while cleaning the roof of the bench; l3, losses of coal during selective mining of seams with bands more than 1m in thickness; and l4, losses of coal during blasting and transportation. In contrast to this general high N availability, in postmining sites where species-rich topsoil has been removed, availability of nutrients is lower, which reduces overall plant biomass but favors less competitive species. In an ideal open-pit situation it is desired that the soil horizons within the selected mining limits are clearly defined. Independent of race or economic class, declining quality of life in today's world is manifest in symptoms such as increased asthma in the United States caused by environmental contaminants and the high disease rates in the former Soviet Bloc after decades of unregulated pollution. Also, it is not easy to communicate outputs of a LCA study. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. 11.6. Section 5.4 introduces the difference and similarity between LCA and S-LCA, while Section 5.5 looks at the theory, the practice, and the existing problems of the LCSA, along with a summary of three life cycle assessment methods. Minimum testing requirements for the CWA are defined by Tables I through III of Appendix D to 40 C.F.R. Fantina Tedim, Vittorio Leone, in Wildfire Hazards, Risks and Disasters, 2015. Surprisingly, Americas generated the least amount, with 10% of the total share. Environmental justice is a concept that must be considered in relation to the social, economic and political factors that influence the experiences of affected communities. Measurable: Established and robust processes have been set for tracking and measuring outcomes. The effect of unplanned mining and mine waste dumping will change the surface topography and thereby the local drainage pattern. The widening conception of EJ is noted, particularly the importance of justice between nations as a prerequisite to achieving sustainability. From: Coal and Peat Fires: A Global Perspective, 2019, S.K. So far, LCSA has had very little use. The possibility of land and soil degradation is expected at these remote locations only. Similarly, wastes high in salts may also be buried in special landfills or used as fill materials for road and dam construction. The mine area should be reclaimed to the best possible scenario at the time of mine closure. J.F. Figure5.2. Stage 1: Goal and scope aims to define how big a part of product life cycle will be taken in assessment and to what end will assessment be serving. Without a safe environment, man cannot exist to claim other rights, be they political, social, or economic. Kenyan Maathai (2009, p. 249), 2004 winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, has also written, [I]f we destroy it, we will undermine our own ways of life and ultimately kill ourselves. Microsoft is quietly building a mobile Xbox store that will rely on Activision and King games. Part 122. Cooperation and integration among government and other key stakeholders to develop multisector and multistakeholder policy frameworks and strategies is needed. A planet retains an atmosphere when the gravity is great and the temperature of the atmosphere is low. As a result, the value of 15 corresponds to the highest ecosystem potential to provide a service, 5 to the lowest potential, and the 0 value to lack of potential (Table6.53). The major environmental degradation comes from noise. In some cases, it is necessary to store certain waste streams and manage them separately, rather than discharge them to an industrial waste treatment facility or to a POTW. Thus these wastes affect in some way or other the normal life of a stream or the normal functioning of sewerage and sewage treatment plants. These emissions produce local-scale pollution plumes that may cause severe air quality deterioration, as was the case during the extreme air pollution episode in the Moscow region in 2010 (Konovalov et al., 2011). For example, while heat waves per se provide conditions that are conducive to net O3 production, the forest fires triggered by heat waves in southern Europe have been observed to strongly enhance O3 concentrations on a regional scale (Hodnebrog et al., 2012; Solberg et al., 2008). People adopt the tactics to avoid paying inheritance tax and property tax and to avoid bearing maintenance cost. The slope at the footwall corresponds to the inclination of the orebody. Proper treatment of the by-passed industrial waste must be used to ensure environmental protection. Andrzej Affek, Bogusawa Kruczkowska, in Ecosystem Service Potentials and Their Indicators in Postglacial Landscapes, 2020. A third law, the Clean Air Act, which sets compliance standards for air emissions, will be discussed later in this chapter. There are a number of UNEP LCA guidelines that provided excellent sources of information on this topic [20]. When all the sarin inhaled was excreted within a week (as determined by these two metabolites), the victim was considered to have been exposed to 2.79mg (0.05mg/kg) sarin during the incident. The delineation of these characteristics is as much a part of an exploration program as assessment of the amount of coal actually available for use. The most common substrate constrains in postmining sites and their ecological consequences. Precomposting removes foul odor and harmful gases from the industrial wastes [5]. March 2021. It reaches a scorching temperature of 700 degrees Celsius (1300 degrees Fahrenheit) and extends 130,000 kilometers (10 Earth diameters).James ODonoghue, of the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), presented the results at the Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) 2022 in In China, however, which is a more developing country, the production of waste rose rapidly, generating more than double the amount in 2010. Ergas, V. Aponte-Morales, in Comprehensive Water Quality and Purification, 2014 Human health impacts. In the development studies context, David Simon emphasizes sensitivity to different calendars, to units of measurement, and to using significant local events as reference points. Based on Affek, A., Kowalska, A., 2017. Environmental justice affirms the need for urban and rural ecological policies to clean up and rebuild our cities and rural areas in balance with nature, honoring the cultural integrity of all our communities, and providing fair access for all to the full range of resources. These two sectors produce a high amount of solid wastes, e.g., for construction, concrete, cinder blocks, gypsum, masonry, asphalt and wood shingles, slate, and plaster and for mining, solid rock and tailings. The latter two reasons reflect the number of false alarms after the Mw9.0 Tohoku Earthquake. Environmental justice calls for universal protection from nuclear testing, extraction, production, and disposal of toxic/hazardous wastes and poisons and nuclear testing that threaten the fundamental right to clean air, land, water, and food. To further separate the NA answer from the lowest capacity, we shifted the scale by 4 points. Regions where the questionnaire survey was conducted. 12.6. Fig.1.6A,B show the change in industrial waste generation in Japan [117] and China [118]. They are one of the most pertinent factors affecting vegetation succession, vegetation composition and carbon budgets globally. 5.2 was obtained because of the generalization of the detailed map of ecosystems (see Fig. Larger surface area was proved by BET analysis and lower mass loss by TG analysis. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. There are several tangible as well as intangible losses due to forest fires, and they cause an environmental threat to the affected area. There are also social and economic dimension of forest fires. Stages of an LCA according EN ISO 14040. This paper mainly introduces the development (in Section 5.1), definition, goal, classification, and framework (in other sections, respectively) of LCIA. In Latin America, Africa, and Asia, individuals, community groups, NGOs, and academics are also actively involved in tackling environmental health problems that would be described in Europe or the USA as environmental justice issues. (B) Major industrial activity year to year in Europe, excluding mineral waste [114]. Microsoft is quietly building a mobile Xbox store that will rely on Activision and King games. It was reported in Europe (EU-28) that only 3.8% of the total industrial waste was classified as hazardous waste [114]. Figure 8. As well as detailed studies undertaken to identify and map these features, quantitative assessments of the geotechnical properties of the strata are usually included in exploration programs to determine, in advance, such factors as the cost of shaft sinking or overburden removal, the stability of underground or surface mine excavations, and the ventilation or drainage requirements of the mine workings. People have long recognized that human activities that degrade environmental conditions threaten not only the biosphere but also humans' own quality of life. permissible limits of the pollutants in the water bodies, as established. Psychological relief is a major factor in the perception of usefulness in addition to actual actions. Strengthening institutional linkages is key to improving the formulation of policies and strategies for SCPI, and to enable scaling up of pilot studies, farmers' experiences, and local/traditional knowledge. 10.1 Introduction. It also affects other qualities of water such as drinking, recreation, swimming, fishing, and domestic use. Spatial resolution (or horizontal cell size) is a measurements geographical area on the ground that the upwelling radiation originates from. The integrated eco-system allows the collection and preprocessing of end-of-life electric and electronic equipment, industrial wastes, and contaminated soils. The broaden to economic and social issues in this analysis is another disagreement with LCA, which is limited to the environmental issue only [12]. Topsoil and subsoil degradation and management. In general, mining activity occurs in remote places far away from cities. These two laws not only place restrictions on different substances, but require different protocols for sampling and analysis work in the case of some of the substances. Forest Fire. W. Foissner, in Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, 2014. We identified major factors of risk and areas of the city at relatively higher risk, as well as potential adaptation strategies. The historically specific sense of justice, built on the awareness of the interethnic violence behind the founding of modern North America, is present in the continuous re-articulation of social and environmental inequalities, both local and global. Fig.1.5B shows the evolution of industrial waste from 2004 to 2014 in EU-28. G. Bolte, C. Hornberg, in Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, 2011. The basis of the classification is the environmental medium to which the waste is discharged, and the characterization of the waste is normally based on the body of laws and regulations that govern that medium. As the world grapples with the triple planetary crisis of climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste, there is a growing concern about the impact these crises have on mental health. This chapter focusses on the major emphasis of EE programmes towards sustainability to develop the awareness and perception on the environmental issues among the students, researcher, policymakers and society. Amount of Industrial Waste Generated in Different Regions (in 2011) in Million Tons. Schematic overview of mine activity schedule for ore and overburden drilling, shovel-dumper combination and production movements. Jaffe and Wigder (2012) estimate that wildfire emissions produce globally as much as 170TgO3yr1, which is 3.5% of the total O3 production in the troposphere. Monash University has a duty of care for the health and safety of staff, students and visitors who attend activities at any of the University's campuses. Following the core definition from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), environmental justice seeks the equitable treatment and involvement of people of all races, cultures, incomes, and educational levels in the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental programs, laws, rules, and policies. It contains anthropogenic air pollutants, mainly ozone, nitric acid, and organic compounds, which are Mining activities generate a large number of waste rocks and tailings which get deposited at the surface. This may hamper plant growth, but on the other hand, this is one of the reasons for high species richness and frequent occurrence of rare and endangered species in postmining land. Therefore, most industrial wastes are illegally dumped on wastelands, such as barren lands, roadsides, etc., especially in developing countries (Gupta, Kumar, Goswami, & Yadav, 2020). In comparison, relative to developed countries (more than 90% collection rate), many developing countries remain at a lower collection and recycling rate (China 67% in 2010; India less than 50% in 2010). The minerals are mined at the sites where they exist. An accurate classification can be found in the previous scientific literature (see Carlsson Reich, 2005; Earles et al., 2013; Hoogmartens et al., 2014; Wenzel, 1998). To identify the land owner, it is necessary to fix the lot number, land-use category, area, boundary, and to make the map. Conversely, among the nonvictims, 21 (3.1%) complained of asthenopia, 22 (3.3%) complained of fatigue, 13 (1.9%) complained of blurred vision, 25 (3.7%) complained of shoulder stiffness, 11 (1.8%) complained of asthenia, and 7 (1.0%) complained of headache. The types of impact on land, topography and soils and suggested environment management are as follows: In case of open cast mining there will be complete loss of agricultural land and deforestation in and around the pit. Changes of drainage pattern by blocking water and flash flood. It is also necessary to consider the positionality (gender, class, language ability, and insider or outsider status) of those administering the survey and their influence on the research, while attention needs to be paid to issues of recruitment and training of interpreters or those administering the questionnaire in the field. What is the scope of concern? Forest fires (the term used in Europe to designate the unwanted fires burning forests and wild lands) constitute a serious problem throughout Europe. No ore reserve is blocked, except crown pillar at the ultimate pit bottom to continue to underground mining. Copyright 2022 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Questionnaires that rely on people's abilities to convey information accurately are also often ineffective for learning about the past. Environmental refugees flee homelands devastated by flooding from dam building, extraction of mineral resources, desertification, and unjust policies of national and international institutions. Recent studies from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and partners show that everything from a changing climate to noise, air [] Task: Listed above are seven different types of land cover (ecosystem). In the United States objections have been raised to the appearance of wind generatorsespecially to the towers. Webler and Lord (2010) noted that humans can be affected by oil spills in three major ways: oil can affect ecological processes that cause direct harm, e.g., health impacts from eating seafood with bioaccumulated oil toxins; oil spill stressors can change intermediary processes, e.g., economic impacts on fishers caused by oil spill damage to fisheries; and stressors can directly harm humans, e.g., health impacts from breathing oil vapors. An unexpected heat wave has been discovered in Jupiter s atmosphere. Significant differences were observed in the prevalence of symptomatic subjects or those with symptoms of blurred vision and asthenopia between victims and nonvictims. From: Advances in Aerogel Composites for Environmental Remediation, 2021, Nelson L. Nemerow, in Environmental Solutions, 2005. [24]. About half of the people encountered refused to take part in the study, while a further large fraction accepted the questionnaire, but never actually filled it in. Higher nutrients were found after vermicomposting. Contemporary society still has the chance to relearn how important the environment is to quality of life. Forest fires, also called wildfires, are a global phenomenon that entail serious consequences for the environment, population and property and increased frequency and severity of wildfires in recent years has been recognized to be associated with climate change (Williams et al., 2019). But toxic compounds such as heavy metals (chromium, cadmium, arsenic, nickel) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons present in industrial waste are considered to be carcinogenic and can be harmful to earthworms also [5,59]. Human health can also be affected if nitrate from polluted drinking water is ingested. They are routinely taken care of by law experts in courtrooms while the critical alternatives are presented by the activist networks worrying about localglobal injustices. However, the LCA and the LCC are not enough to evaluate impact on the environment. Reddy, in Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, 2011 Human health is one of the most important factors influencing economic development in any economy. The damage of natural drains and waste dumps may act as a barrier to the natural flow of rainwater resulting in water logging and flash floods which in turn will cause damage to agriculture and to local properties downstream. Four case studies are explored to illustrate how environmental injustice is experienced globally: (i)agricultural production, pesticides and food security; (ii) asbestos; (iii) air pollution from waste incineration; (iv) e-waste. Windmills tend to hum or whine, and several together can be annoying. FIGURE19.8. Are disparities caused by intentional discrimination, political expediency, utilitarian policy decisions, or neighborhood transition and other voluntary decisions? Six ubiquists out of 48 taxa contributed 6187% to the overall abundance. Mohammed H. Moghadasian, Fereidoon Shahidi, in International Encyclopedia of Public Health (Second Edition), 2017 Monounsaturated Fatty Acids and Health. If you feel a benefit is not delivered by a given ecosystem at all, please write NA - for not applicable. Dr.Shahjadi Hisan Farjana, Dr.Nazmul Huda, in Life Cycle Assessment for Sustainable Mining, 2021. The electrical blackout in the Tohoku district just after the Mw9.0 Tohoku Earthquake, which curtailed TV service, might account for the difference for from TV between Tohoku and nationwide. The burning of forests destroys an important sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide. Similarly, Mahaly etal. Oil spills are regrettably common around the world: the Amoco Cadiz in France in 1978; the Exxon Valdez in Alaska in 1989; the Gulf War in Kuwait in 1991; the Erica in France in 1999; the Aegean Sea in Galicia, Spain, in 1992; and the Prestige in Spain and France in 2002, Additionally, the concentrated forms of some commercial cleaning products are classified as hazardous, creating potential handling, storage, and disposal issues for users. Environmental justice issues turn therefore repeatedly into questions of environmental racism. Star shows the epicenter of the Mw9.0 Tohoku Earthquake. Here, in fire-prone regions, the concentration of people and buildings leads to significant losses, posing new challenges for dealing with disaster risk. Decrease of pH in overburden is typically connected with weathering sulfur-rich minerals such as pyrite that releases sulfuric acid. This is often termed as Streamlined LCA. Arvind Kumar, in Ecosystem-Based Adaptation, 2022. Opencast mining operations involve the removal of huge quantities of overburden, dumping, and backfilling of the excavated area. Schematic projection of open pit benches, footwall and hanging wall slope angle at technical stability and safety of miners and machineries. Carolyn Stephens, Chris Church, in International Encyclopedia of Public Health (Second Edition), 2017. March 2021. Fig. Ministry of Mines (MOM), Ministry of Finance/Forests (MOF) and Ministry of Environment (MOE). The percentage of the Natura 2000 area affected by fire ranged between 0.002% in Germany (a single fire affecting 133ha) and 2.137% in Portugal (100 fires affecting 40,837ha).3 However, Natura 2000 sites cover not only forested areas but also meadows, fields, and wetlands as long as they are of conservation interest; thus the percentage of Natura 2000-protected forests affected annually by fires is much higher and could be of conservation interest as sites where postfire succession occurs in a relatively unmanaged state. Industrial Waste and Municipal Solid Waste Treatment and Disposal, Environmental and Pollution Science (Third Edition), Germany, UK, France, Russia, and Bulgaria, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, and Tunisia, China, Japan, India, South Korea, and Australia, Extraction, beneficiation, and processing of minerals, Solid rock, slag, phosphogypsum, muds, tailings, Electricity, gas, steam, and air-conditioning supply, Fly ash, bottom ash, boiler slag, particulates, used oils, sludge, Spent catalyst, chemical solvents, reactive waste, acid, alkali, used oils, particulate waste, ash, sludge, Textile waste, pigments, peroxide, organic stabilizer, alkali, chemical solvents, sludge, heavy metals, Wood waste, alkali, chemical solvents, sludge, Concrete, cinder blocks, gypsum, masonry, asphalt, wood shingles, slate, metals, glass, and plaster, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Russia, Bulgaria, United States, Brazil, Canada, Chile, and Columbia, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Tunisia, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Distillery sludge waste with tea leaf residues. 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