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maintainaspectratio chartjs

Error, please try again. My problem comes with the 'scales' part of the nested xAxes parameter. The solution is to maintain the aspect ratio. Du kan ha ls hud rundt mageomrdet forrsaket av graviditet eller raskt vekttap. In case if you are using ng2-chart in an angular project then the bar chart configuration looks Alike this: npm install ng2-charts chart.js --save in chartjs 2.x you can pass an option for a userCallback to the yaxis tick field. Here we also use the SimpleReportViewModel because we have a simple line chart with a country list and their quantity number. But avoid . ->options(['maintainAspectRatio'=>false); this works to set maintainAspectRatio of chart js to false correctly. var options = { responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: true } This should solve your problem. , Chart Component vue-chartjs . From my experience, once you include the chartjs-plugin-datalabels plugin (make sure to place the