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who funds environmental progress

Report to the General Assembly Scientific Annex A: Levels and Effects of Radiation Exposure Due to the Nuclear Accident After the 2011 Great East-Japan Earthquake and Tsunami",, 36. International Atomic Energy Agency, 2015, The Fukushima Daiichi Accident: Report by the Director General,, 37. An anti-nuclear Goliath with 500 times EP's budget of US$1.5 million, or US$750 million in annual expenditure on anti-nuclear campaigns? Environmental Progress (EP) is a research and policy organization fighting for clean power and energy justice to achieve nature and prosperity for all. He has helped save nuclear reactors around the world, from Illinois and New York to South Korea and Taiwan, . We are a new organization with a big mission, and we are looking for a team of interns to our greater goal. The Fund plans to spend all its assets over the next 10 years to spur progress in clean energy, environmental health, development of a New England regional food system, and treatment of developmental disabilities. 'Pandora's Promise Propaganda', Nuclear Monitor #764, 28 June 2013,, 11. How Not to Deal with Climate Change, New York Times, June 30, 2016, Britain has a chance to rethink its nuclear energy policy :: March 30, 2017, Environmental Groups Change Tune on Nuclear Power :: June 16, 2016, Nuclear Plants, Despite Safety Concerns, Gain Support as Clean Energy Sources :: June 1, 2016, Climate Crowd Ignores a Scientific Fraud :: April 15, 2016, Closing This Nuclear Plant Could Cause an Environmental Disaster :: February 3, 2016, Yes, Nukes! FOE's worldwide budget is US$12 million according to EP3 but only a small fraction is directed to anti-nuclear campaigns. Some of Environmental Progress's biggest victorieshave been saving the worlds most important source of energy, nuclear power, including in specific places, including Illinois, New York, Connecticut, France, South Korea, Taiwan, and New Jersey. that's the difference between the amount of moisture the air actually. A 2011 IAEA report points to the impracticality of sheltering in place as a long-term response to elevated radiation levels following nuclear accidents: "Lesson 12: The use of long term sheltering is not an effective approach and has been abandoned and concepts of 'deliberate evacuation' and 'evacuation-prepared area' were introduced for effective long term countermeasures using guidelines of the ICRP [International Commission on Radiological Protection] and IAEA."37. Democrats are also linked to raising taxes on the wealthy and large corporations, which 70 percent of voters associate with the Democratic Party and 12 percent associate with the . We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit. 3. A Clean Commitment. "4 And Shellenberger suggests that such views are still current by asserting that the anti-nuclear movement has a "long history ofMalthusian anti-humanismaimed at preventing "overpopulation" and "overconsumption" by keeping poor countries poor. December Lunch & Learn. "3, In support of those assertions, EP cites a World Health Organization report that directly contradicts EP's claims. I n 2016, we launched our Environmental Grants Programme funded by the 5p levy on carrier bags donated to us by Greggs plc. "The fact that the country has not taken action in the past is a serious lapse, especially with North Korea's evolving missile threats," Kim said.25, Shellenberger states: "One of FOE-Greenpeace's biggest lies about nuclear energy is that it leads to weapons. With the prosecution set to investigate the suppliers, the certifiers will face business suspension. As UNEP relies on voluntary contributions for 95 per cent of the funding, thework is made possible by partners who fund and champion its mission. images not loading on chrome mobile browser . Readmorein the booklet UNEP - Your Partner for People and Planet, Since the 1972 Stockholm Conference, which led to the creation of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the organization has received policy, programming and financial support from its Member States., Of how we are motivated to reinforce existing beliefs and are thus biased against evidence that disconfirms our beliefs. DECEMBER LUNCH AND LEARN December 13, 2022 NOON - 1:00 PM Speaker: TBD Topic: TBD Location: PEP Office 12:00-1:00 with lunch available 11:45 No charge to attend, seating is limited. Fund environmental monitoring within communities WHEJAC Recommendation: "Fund environmental monitoring located inside communities exposed to pollution, along with funds for compliance . Among other arbitrary, inexplicable assumptions is the assumption that gas replaces nuclear power.3 (That assumption is part of a broader EP propaganda campaign to convince people of the falsehood that "every time nuclear plants close they are replaced almost entirely by fossil fuels".22) If EP wants to arbitrarily assume that gas replaces nuclear under the 2030 targets, then it ought to assume that the planned 18% reduction in coal is replaced by the planned 18% increase in renewables but no such assumption is made. EP's campaign has involved a blizzard of misinformation and relentless, dishonest attacks against environment groups, particularly Friends of the Earth (FOE) and Greenpeace. "3 But the UNSCEAR report didn't conclude that the vast majority of the Fukushima evacuation zone is safe or that nearly all residents could have returned long ago, and it didn't state that most evacuees should never have left.35 The UNSCEAR report states: "The actions taken to protect the public significantly reduced the radiation exposures that could have been received. EP falsely claims that FOE has hundreds of millions of dollars in its bank and stock accounts.3, EP has an annual budget of US$1.5 million, Shellenberger claims, and he asks how EP "can possibly succeed against the anti-nuclear Goliath with 500 times the resources."8. "34 Likewise, a report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences states: "Given that it is supported by experimentally grounded, quantifiable, biophysical arguments, a linear extrapolation of cancer risks from intermediate to very low doses currently appears to be the most appropriate methodology. The EF Working Group was established in 2007 and is now comprised of 122 members from 33 countries.The focus of this group is the development of Environmental Funds as a mechanism for conservation finance. Shellenberger states: "After it was accused of secretly financing the film, Greenpeaceinsisted it had merely funded the screenings "8 To translate and correct Shellenberger's misinformation: Greenpeace was falsely accused of secretly financing the film (it isn't clear why funding an anti-nuclear film would be objectionable, any more than EP's funding of a pro-nuclear film). Yet EP asserts that Greenpeace and FOE "oppose cheap and abundant energy"3 and Shellenberger asserts that "the FOE-Greenpeace agenda has never been to protect humankind but rather to punish us for our supposed transgressions. Grants. Environmental Progress, 'South Korea',, 3. EP sent a sign-on letter to South Korean President Moon Jae-in in July 2017 and another in August 2017. Here is a summary of the work EP carried out in South Korea this year:2. [2] This establishes the tie between Charles Koch . Fiji has an abundance of natural resources, and lacks the intense demographic, economic and industrial pressures that cause many serious environmental issues. Without the best data and information it is impossible to make effective decisions, target drivers of change, hold decision makers accountable, and . $100,000. They support a wide range of community and environmental projects . UNSCEAR 2013 Report. EP published a 62-page pro-nuclear report 'The High Cost of Fear: Understanding the Costs and Causes of South Korea's Proposed Nuclear Energy Phase-Out'. Instead of being the most dangerous energy source, it is one of the safest. Projects must benefit the wider community and have public access. a metric known as vapor pressure deficit. Our designated funds are separate to our core work of operating, maintaining and improving England's strategic road network. Over the last two years, this has enabled us to fund hundreds of fantastic projects which aim to improve the environment and also benefit the wider community. In an article for a South Korean newspaper, Shellenberger states: "Should we be surprised that natural gas companies fund many of the anti-nuclear groups that spread misinformation about nuclear? August 2021, the U.N. issued a climate change report that "unequivocally" blamed humans for causing global warming and warned that future climate disruption is now a certainty. Environmental Defense Fund is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. He claims that dozens of media outlets reported on EP's visits, that a press conference in Seoul was "packed". In October, EP wrote to the citizens jury tasked with deciding the fate of the two partially-built reactors (Shin Kori 5 and 6). Michael D. Shellenberger (born June 16, 1971) is an American author and former public relations professional whose writing has focused on the intersection of climate change, the environment, nuclear power, and politics, and more recently on how he believes progressivism is linked to homelessness, drug addiction, and mental illness.He is a co-founder of the Breakthrough Institute, co-founder of . 2022. Volume I. For more information on how to contributefunds toUNEP, please contact unep-environmentfund[at], UNEP Terms of Use PrivacyReport Project Concern Report Scam Contact Us. 1. Nuclear Technology, Innovation & Economics, Homelessness, Crime, Drugs - Charts & Graphs. We did so by building a humanistic environmental movement demanding energy justice for all, and telling the truth about nuclear to policymakers, journalists, and the public directly. 34., FUNDSFORNGOS LLC 140 Broadway 46th Floor New York, NY 10005 United States. The planned increase in gas nearly matches the decline in more carbon-intensive coal, and the growth of renewables more than compensates for the loss of nuclear. Community groups, New Brunswick local governments, First Nations, non-profit organizations, and institutions all shared their green ideas to make our communities a better place. The New Yorker affirmed our strategy in a February 2021 article called, The Activists Who Embrace Nuclear Power. Wrote the author, "Much of what we think we know about nuclear is wrong. Michael Shellenberger's pro-nuclear lobby group 'Environmental Progress' (EP) is celebrating the decision to proceed with two partially-built reactors in South Korea. The deadline to apply is Monday, September 13 at 4pm . 1 June 2017, 'US-Korea Letter', more than half of the world's vegetated landscapes have been experiencing a. Human Resources. The Environment Fund is UNEP's core source of flexible funds,providingthe bedrock of the work worldwide. 14. Christine Kim, 22 oct 2017, 'South Korea's president says will continue phasing out nuclear power', 2. Nuclear Monitor #785, 24 April 2014, 'The Chernobyl death toll',, 31. Environmental Progress (EP) was founded in 2016 with the mission of achieving nature and prosperity for all. Shellenberger has been a climate and environmental activist for over 30 years. Tracking our progress and building accountability. Provide project financing to bring existing climate solutions to scale. Additionally, the appropriate and lawful use of funds appropriated and apportioned for pollution control responsibilities are the responsibility of the head of each federal agency. Shellenberger claims that Greenpeace has annual income of US$400 million to finance its work in 55 nations8 but he doesn't note that only a small fraction of that funding is directed to anti-nuclear campaigns. Conservationists Rally to Save California's Last Nuclear Plant :: January 29, 2016, Nuclear Technology, Innovation & Economics, Homelessness, Crime, Drugs - Charts & Graphs, North Americas leading public intellectual on clean energy,, Britain has a chance to rethink its nuclear energy policy, Environmental Groups Change Tune on Nuclear Power, Nuclear Plants, Despite Safety Concerns, Gain Support as Clean Energy Sources, Closing This Nuclear Plant Could Cause an Environmental Disaster, Yes, Nukes! 1. Save the planet. Shellenbergers 2020 best-selling book, Apocalypse Never, received stronger positive reviews and sales than any environmental book in recent memory. UNSCEAR, 2014, "Sources, Effects and Risks of Ionizing Radiation. As good stewards of the environment, and through the hard work of Federal agencies to increase energy and water efficiency, increase the number of sustainable buildings, and effectively manage vehicle fleets, the Federal Government has achieved historic progress moving toward more cost-effective and efficient Federal operations under the Trump . The Phillips Fund, administrated by Kent Community Foundation, offer grants of up to 1,000 to a wide variety of projects which aim to protect, conserve and enhance the use and character of the rural landscape and its communities. The Anderson-Rogers Foundation makes grants to 501(c)(3) organizations that address a variety of social and environmental needs. Sixteen Thirty Fund (for Climate and Equity Action Fund) Washington, DC. Mountain Fund. Prominent nuclear lobbyists are now openly talking about the connections between nuclear power (and related industries) and weapons production in order to boost the case for further subsidies to support the 'civil' nuclear industry, particularly in the US.27 It seems Shellenberger didn't get the memo. Michael Shellenberger, 16 Oct 2017, 'Enemies of the Earth: Unmasking the Dirty War Against Clean Energy in South Korea by Friends of the Earth (FOE) and Greenpeace', 5. The UNSCEAR report states that "the current balance of available evidence tends to favour a non-threshold response for the mutational component of radiation-associated cancer induction at low doses and low dose rates. Funds often group environmental issues into themes - such as waste, transport, clean energy and climate change. who funds environmental progress. Shellenberger claims that the Fukushima evacuation was "entirely unnecessary and indeed counterproductive" and it was the "outcome of the kind of fear-mongering engaged in by Moon, FOE, and Greenpeace. With this new department, EPA is filling key gaps and taking a major stride in supporting and protecting every community, especially the communities to which the environmental movement is indebted." Dr. Margot Brown, Vice President of Justice & Equity at Environmental Defense Fund "Environmental justice starts and ends with communities. $223,500. In fact, the lowest of the estimates of the Chernobyl cancer death toll is the World Health Organization's estimate of "up to 9,000 excess cancer deaths" in the most contaminated parts of the former Soviet Union.29 And of course there are higher estimates for the death toll across Europe.30,31, Shellenberger claims that the Fukushima meltdowns "killed precisely no one" and that "nobody died or will die from the meltdowns at Fukushima".4 An EP report has this to say about Fukushima: "[T]he science is unequivocal: nobody has gotten sick much less died from the radiation that escaped from three meltdowns followed by three hydrogen gas explosions. We are fallible and embrace debate and dialogue to address human biases. And he testifies and advises governments around the world including in the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, the Philippines, Australia, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany. We thus seek to debate our opponents rather than seek to discredit, dismiss, or defame them. Conservationists Rally to Save California's Last Nuclear Plant. Given the magnitude of corruption in the nuclear industry arising from its intrinsic nature of being closed, the first step toward safety should be to break the deep-seated food chain created by the so-called nuclear mafia, which will help enhance transparency ultimately. By Abby Rabinowitz. You can download a high resolution photo of himby clicking hereand you can download photosby clicking here. Civilization depends on cheap energy, economic growth, stable government, democracy, freedom, and equal justice under the law. "42, A 2010 UNSCEAR report isn't sold on the linear part of LNT but it is at odds with SARI (and EP) on the question of a threshold. The anti-nuclear group Friends of the Earth which has representatives in South Korea received its initial funding from a wealthy oil man "45 He fails to note that the donation was in 1969! 12. According to the German Federal Environmental Office, emissions were 909 million metric tonnes (MMT) in 2016 and 905 MMT in 2017 a 0.4% difference. The data available from public sources show that the total revenues of the environmentalist movement are more than $8.5 billion per year. "On behalf of environmentalists everywhere, I would like to formally apologise . of relentless repetition of falsehoods in the hope that mud will stick. Our strategy was to tell the truth about nuclear energy and the right of poor nations to cheap energy, and build a movement to defend both. Climate records suggest the declines are associated with. The Committee--was established to provide advice on environmental offsets and oversee fund expenditure to achieve strategic delivery of environmental offset projects. And he fails to substantiate his false insinuation that FOE accepts funding from natural gas companies, or his false claim that natural gas companies fund "many of the anti-nuclear groups". Environmental Defense Fund was awarded $54,064,370 between 1986 and 2021, including 39 grants in Climate Solutions, . Programming Research in Obesity, Growth, Environment and Social Stressors (PROGRESS) study is a collaboration between Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Harvard University and the National Institute of Public Health (INSP) in Mexico and is uniquely poised to conduct this research. NIEHS provides federal research funding in the form of grants to universities and other research organizations for research projects, small business awards, research center funding, training and career development, loan repayment programs, and other research projects and activities. This work resulted in publication of San Fransicko (HarperCollins 2021) the co-founding of the California Peace Coalition to stem skyrocketing deaths from drug poisoning, addiction, and overdose, homelessness, and untreated mental illness. The science is clear: human health, prosperity, equity and peace are all under threat. He has been called a climate guru and environmental guru and spoken in Brussels, Seoul, Manila, and many other national capitals. Sustainable investing packed '' scientific Committee on the boil in 2014 support scientific research aims. National Highways Designated funds < /a > a Clean Commitment Nations scientific Committee on the Effects of Ionising 2010. '' https: // '' > now Hiring April 2014, 'New unscear report on Fukushima: Collective '. An analysis of nuclear power Davis, 6 Feb 2014, 'Fake Certificates again ', http:,! 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who funds environmental progress