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political debate quotes

Ronald Reagan. } else { For on television the politician does not so much offer the audience an image of himself, as offer himself as an image of the audience. Welcome back. Pulling his laptop toward him, he logged into his guilty secret - a local political debate forum - and looked for people who were wrong. Political debate with liberals is basically impossible in America today because liberals are calling names while conservatives are trying to make arguments. Votes: 4, Political debate is political debate and that's fine. People will debate whether there is climate change that's a whole political debate that I don't want to get into. And here are some more examples of this fallacy from Trump v. Clinton I: Trump brings up that Clinton has previously referred to African American males as "super predators". Political debate is of no interest to me. Blood and glass were everywhere. "I represent all of you, whether you voted for me or against me. My only experience is at losing them. ~ Richard M. Nixon, I am convinced that whenever we exaggerate or demonize, oversimplify or overstate our case, we lose. All Rights Reserved. This was hope in the collective, a definition that should always apply to the expression of a people's political will. None of us is interested in insulting Muslims. Throughout our two hundred plus years, public policy debate has focused on political and economic issues, on which there can be compromise Barry Goldwater, Depends on all of the people who use the language." Votes: 4, In another life, before taking the veil of journalistic purity, I practiced the black arts of a political operative, including 'debate prep.' One of the restraints on the vitriol and the filth that so often is part of the American political debate is that candidates have to stand by their ads. Here, then, are some of the most-memorable lines from presidential (and vice presidential) debates over the past few decades. A bus full of politicians was moving along the country road. I will vote in its elections and participate in its political debates. Having access to abortion was viewed as the only way women could have full equality with men, who, until recently, couldn't get pregnant. Change was inconceivable. As long as anger, paranoia and misinformation drive our political debate, there are unhinged souls among us who will feel justified in turning to violent remedies for imagined threats. The dam has broken.Just as I'd hoped. I intend to speak freely, in the hope that others will debate equally freely with me on what needs to change in Islamic doctrine, rather than seeking to stifle discussion. The tactic of exclusion is self-defeating. Abortion is the right of every woman. It is bad news for democracy in this country. Who thinks professors can say what they really believe? That's healthy. My argument is for nothing less than a Muslim Reformation. But I dont have that experience. Various writers and activists have noted with rising alarm an almost mass depoliticisation of lesbian and gay communities in the 1990s. That's healthy. Whether on street corners or on "Meet the Press," political discussions go on and on, and are only rarely resolved by polite compromise. Not applying a religious test for public office means that people of all faiths are allowed to run - not that views about God, creation, and the moral order are inadmissible for political debate. 8367, to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2023 for intelligence and intelligence-related activities of the United States Government, the Community Management Account, and the Central . But the spiritual-versus-political debate was over. Powell Jane Mayer, The 'Big Green Debate' has entered a very interesting stage. An exchange of insults and slanders more appropriate to reality television than a legislature. ~ Jeanne Shaheen, The best tribute we can pay Madiba is to ensure that our political debate focuses on issues of how best we can ensure that each South African child, whatever the circumstances of their birth, inherits freedom they can use. ~ Helen Zille. But apparently she's not strong enough to control Mr. Bill and if that's the case, any sane voter would have to think twice before enabling this sort of circus act in the White House. Seattle Times political reporter. Michelle Alexander, The only truths worth arguing about are those truths that could prevent or lead to circumstances that may bite us in the rear sooner or later. "Debate is the death of conversation." ~ Emil Ludwig "Books and harlots have their quarrels in public." ~ Walter Benjamin "We are all strong-willed, forceful personalities and the president encourages vigorous debate." ~ Karen Hughes "Defining the terms of the debate generally dictates who's gonna' win it." ~ Paul Begala Granted, it may all look different in six months to a year, but it is hard not to be buoyed by the desire for positive change as articulated and advanced by Barack Obama. But by patiently searching for facts and patterns and calmly analyzing the economic, social, and political mechanisms that might explain them, it can inform democratic debate and focus attention on the right questions. I fought my way to the top of corporate America while being called every B word in the book. My political career goes back to the '60s and those were times of vigorous debates. I am dead against trying to keep religious conservatives out of the political debate. An order they spilled their blood to defeat. The result is ceaseless, virulent debate about trivia - politics as theater - and very little substance, compromise, and action. Political Debates Quotes Page 2 Part 2 of the political debates quotations list about political-philosophy and political-affairs sayings citing Mark Udall, Kathleen Parker and Conan O'Brien captions Political differences will always generate a healthy debate, but over time the dialogue has become more hateful and at times violent. Our political debates today are corrosive and not reflective of the belief that Abe Lincoln espoused back in his day: that we are a great country because we are a good country. ~ Jon Huntsman, Jr. If were not vigilant foreign countries can have an impact on the political debate in the United States in ways that might not have been true 10, 20, 30 years ago in in part because of the way news is transmitted and in part because so many people are skeptical of mainstream news organizations that everythings true and everythings false. ~, The magical thinking encouraged by any belief in the supernatural, combined with the vilification of rationality and skepticism, is more conducive to conspiracy theories than it is to productive political debate. ~ Wendy Kaminer, If there are political programs on TV, yet it takes an artist to actually energize political debate, that tells you something really quite frightening about the level of the political debate happening on mainstream channels right-wing-biased mothers. ~ Thom Yorke, In India, we have a right wing that is so vicious and so openly wicked, which is the Baratiya Janata party (BJP), and then we have the Congress party, which does almost worse things, but does it by night. Robert Waterman McChesney, This falling-out was to be more than personal, for the rift between Hamilton and Madison precipitated the start of the two-party system in America. What is needed is a rights-based approach to development. Marcus Du Sautoy, I am convinced that whenever we exaggerate or demonize, oversimplify or overstate our case, we lose. Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton Of Brenchley, The range of debate between the dominant U.S. [political] parties tends to closely resemble the range of debate within the business class. If you really do it, it isn't pretty. Votes: 2, Our political debates today are corrosive and not reflective of the belief that Abe Lincoln espoused back in his day: that we are a great country because we are a good country. And I'm going to make sure you're represented." - Biden, on what he would say. You can to use those 8 images of quotes as a desktop wallpapers. I didn't think I would ever experience a moment as painful in the midst of a political campaign as the Perry moment, but that was like watching Pavarotti sing "Nessun Dorma" compared to this . Outside Westminster, political debate must seem like white noise that bears little relevance to people's everyday lives. Arthur Eddington The political climate during a campaign is not the best climate for reasonable debate. Earlier feminists were almost universally pro-choice and have dominated political debate until now. 12 Quotes from U.S. Presidential Debates: A Quiz Question: "It's hard to get any word in with this clownexcuse me, this person." Answer: The first debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden during the 2020 campaign was, to say the least, a fractious one, full of crosstalk and personal insults.About halfway through the debate, as Trump talked over him, Biden . Jim Wallis, The different strategies and visions of 'reformists' and 'radicals' are not the only subject of major debate within lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer politics. When debating with someone, it's essential to be on the offensive and ask questions that will challenge their opinionasking "how" or "why" questions are strong debate tactics because they make people think about why they believe what they do. Thomas Szasz, In the United States [ ] the two main business-dominated parties, with the support of the corporate community, have refused to reform laws that make it virtually impossible to create new political parties (that might appeal to non-business interests) and let them be effective. Then it crashed into the tree and overturned. Kathleen Parker, He [Hugo Chavez] put poverty at the heart of political debate. The fact is that only a tiny minority of non . Political Debate Quotes. Juan Williams, Some readers may have noticed an icy little missive from Noam Chomsky ["Letters," December 3], repudiating the very idea that he and I had disagreed on the "roots" of September 11. It scares me to death, and should scare you too, that the superstition of political correctness rules the halls of reason. See the gallery for tag and special word "Political Debate". Votes: 4, My political career goes back to the '60s and those were times of vigorous debates. J.P. Moreland, Political debate is political debate and that's fine. We are not here to curse the darkness, but to light the candle that can guide us through that darkness to a safe and sane future. Lee Iacocca, Political debate with liberals is basically impossible in America today because liberals are calling names while conservatives are trying to make arguments. Jeremy Northam, So when you are faced with a decision on the euro, it is not surprising that many people are confused. The . // logged into Facebook user but not a GR app user; show FB button Let's be honest. Without fundamental alterations to some of Islam's core concepts, I believe, we shall not solve the burning and increasingly global problem of political violence carried out in the name of religion. Tariq Ramadan, I'm very depressed how in this country you can be told "That's offensive" as though those two words constitute an argument. There is no need to debate it or other gospel standards. Summary of H.Res.555 - 104th Congress (1995-1996): Expressing the sense of the House urging the inclusion of Ross Perot in the 1996 Presidential debates. politics joe biden quotes Memes & GIFs. "Our political debates today are corrosive and not reflective of the belief that Abe Lincoln espoused back in his day: that we are a great country because we are a good country." ~ Jon Huntsman, Jr. "Political debate is of no interest to me. Ensuring essential political, economic and social entitlements and human dignity for all people provides the rationale for policy. People will debate whether there is climate change that's a whole political debate that I don't want to get into. Votes: 2, When a minister or a clergyman takes seriously unfashionable Christian doctrines which condemn sex outside marriage, homosexuality, abortion, and feminism, and injects his views into the political debate, he is immediately denounced as a 'reactionary.' A collection of motivating, happy, and encouraging political debate quotes, political debate sayings, and political debate proverbs. There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don't care who gets the credit. Francis Schaeffer 110 Invite you to consult and share with everyone. They should be charged with sabotaging the electoral process. We mistake politics for legislative debate. Having access to abortion was viewed as the only way women could have full equality with men, who, until recently, couldnt get pregnant. ~ Kathleen Parker, What takes place in the Security Council more closely resembles a mugging than either a political debate or an effort at problem-solving. ~ Jeane Kirkpatrick, But I think the American people expect more from us than cries of indignation and attack. Robert D. Putnam, Theo finally did something purely for his own pleasure. Tin-b Rqan AZ QUOTES. I swear never to involve myself again [in conversation with Nazi sympathisers], for the time granted to mortals is not infinite and the fruits of these discussions is vain. Political debate became polarized into bitter conflicts, with radical outsiders trying to press change on conservative insiders who, in the teeth of all the evidence, believed that all was for the best under the best of all possible constitutions (16). In politics, If you want anything said, ask a man. Winnie Byanyima, The political climate during a campaign is not the best climate for reasonable debate. But deep down it is a matter of deciding where one's future lies. It has to be that they make issues more complicated. Kofi Annan Playing on the insecurities of people sells 'packages' which can include everything from 'gay apartments' to 'gay holidays' and 'gay clothes' to designer drugs. While the political debate over abortion will continue for a very long time, the federal government can and should be doing more to support programs and services that provide women with better options. Votes: 2, I know the media likes to personalize political debates, and I know the government will demonize me. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. And so, the entire political class has been captured by an idea, which as always with the best bad ideas has a grain of truth in it, which is then exaggerated beyond all reason. Every single university student should study philosophy. Ready to cast your vote and want the perfect voting quote or "I voted!" . Robert W. McChesney, He argued that conservatives should control the political debate at its source by demanding "balance" in textbooks, television shows, and news coverage. If we don't believe in moral absolutes and then we get into a cultural-political debate, how are we going to win? H.R. Accomplishment, Achievement, Rewards And Recognition. A cry from people who deserved sympathy, but who should never be allowed to set the terms of political debate. ~ Fraser Nelson, He [Hugo Chavez] put poverty at the heart of political debate.

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