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perceptive content explorer

top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; When your users open Perceptive Content Explorer, they see only the documents and projects to which you have granted them access via a view. Wait a moment while the computer restarts. padding:3px 7px 2px 7px; An extensive list of operators that evaluates the field against the value. Perceptive Content is the new name for the software previously called ImageNow. Update the Document number and tab off the field. For other file types like PDF, choose a capture profile using. When using Perceptive Content to interact with PeopleSoft, or another web-based system, Internet Explorer is the only browser supported by SISS at this time. Task assignees are prompted to select reasons from two reason lists, action and return. font-style: italic; This is the same Name field that appears in the Properties pane of the Content Viewer when you open a stored document. A popup window with the proposed keys that Perceptive Content remembered from your last manual entry capture should appear. When the batch is processed into individual documents, the keys which do not have shared values are individually assigned the other values. Open a Windows Explorer window (not Internet Explorer browser, but a Windows Explorer window that shows your Documents) Copy and paste the following into the address bar of the Windows Explorer Window: The content and process management product suite provides accessible and secure information through the entire content lifecycle, regardless of format. padding-left: .25em; The export control will create a .csv file that contains a listing of whatever the focus of the pane is. font-size: 1.3em; When Exchange or Teams is the selected location, you can search on the full email address of the mailbox, for example In the Scanning Profile Manager dialog box, click Create . tr.imstodd { list-style: decimal; The scanning profile will be unique for your department and will be single rather than batch. view to expand the search options by. } } background: #fff6bf url( center no-repeat; This approval matrix typically includes the following data: Approval Level. margin-right:auto; You will supply the student ID to the workflow and programs will look up the other student information for you. It trades a little bit of overhead up front setting up the common values for reduced data entry later because the shared values are already assigned. For example, if you want to grant an account the ability to view the items and their locations only, grant Content Explorer List viewer rights. padding:15px; Start now at the Microsoft Purview compliance portal trials hub. The Perceptive Content Explorer window will open up. Double-click any document in the list to view it. } border-collapse:collapse; .info { (Note: items in dropdown may not be in alphabetical . If you know the name of the label, or the sensitive information type, you can type that into the filter box. Internet Explorer browsers will not work; Still not working? A popup window for entry of values called Proposed Keys should appear. background: #F8F8F8; You will be prompted to find and assign a token. Select Drawer appropriate for your department. border-radius:4px; } You define the condition on the Quick Search tab of Perceptive Content Explorer, which includes the property list, operator list, and value box, and the Go button, shown below. Unfortunately this field cannot be removed from the search fields drop-down list. tr.imsteven { .boxed { For all alerts that are confirmed to a case, copies of data and message files are archived as a snapshot in time of . To learn more, see Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. Content explorer shows a current snapshot of the items that have a sensitivity label, a retention label or have been classified as a sensitive information type in your organization. SOU has two Perceptive Content systems, one for production, one for non-production. Perceptive Content Troubleshooting Tips perceptive content. The non-production system will point to one of the non-production databases. pre{ h5 { Program name: Perceptive Content (Productivity) Perceptive Content is a suite of process and content management products. Choose the Document Type from the drop-down list. These forms can pre-fill data from HR/Pay and Enroll & Pay to provide consistent, accurate data . figcaption { } The production system always references the Banner production database. Data to find the Approver such as GL Code or Business Unit. } #imst td { Hyland is not responsible for the content or availability of this third party website or any linked sites, the data input on this third party linked site or any linked sites nor the transactions undertaken through these third party linked sites. The vendor . Microsoft 365 includes definitions for many common sensitive information types from across many different regions that are ready for you to use. ul.imst { ol ol { This will open up the Perceptive Content Viewer. By clicking here to continue, you acknowledge the previous statement and will be taken to the linked site. For the Service Center that is. border: 2px solid #ffd324; Double-click on the batch you just imported (click the Refresh toolbar button if you don't see it). The corresponding data will be updated. background: #DBCFC0; The Business Services Service Center is the first group to have their document imaging Workflow use a Perceptive Content Form to pull Banner data correlatng to the document they loaded. Physical documents can be converted to digital files and stored on a centralized server. h4 { Updating the information on our webpages is in process, so the webpages and documentation may reflect either name. margin-bottom; 0.25in; margin-left: .15in; Once logged in, access the ECM Indexing page: BSU . Update the document keys and custom properties, as necessary, in the preview of the uploaded document that appears in a Perceptive Content Viewer v. Click the Save icon once all updates are complete. The Perceptive Content Explorer grid can be customized for the view or filter. 2016 - 2022 CommunityLIVE empowers valuable connections and inspires new insights into your organizations digital transformation journey. The viewer appears when you double-click a document in the ImageNow or WebNow Explorer window. A popup window with the proposed keys should appear. macOS. Select the starting workflow step for your workflow from the drop-down list. Disclaimer: You are now leaving Hylands CommunityLIVE website and you are selecting a link that will take you to a third party website. font-size: 1.1em; Enter the Voucher # (from the Compass Email) in the search field and click Go The voucher will be returned in the grid below. There are two kinds of batches, one for many images for a single student, one for a single document type for many students. } Enter the applicant's last name in the text box and click Go . Enter the ID for the student whose documents you want to view in the Quick Search tab, or choose another key field and match condition from the drop-down lists. A popup box will then allow you to browse to the folder containing the documents you want to import. #imst th { It can take up to seven days for counts to be updated in content explorer. font-weight: bold; Searching for Nauru Tourism on a Troubled Tiny Island by Brandi Mueller A scuba diver catches an island-hopper flight in the South Pacific . Note: If the profile you want does not exist, create it following instructions below. Attend dedicated Perceptive Content sessions, Gain valuable insight from Hyland experts into the latest product enhancements, strategies and training, Hear from your Perceptive Content peers about how theyve improved their own solutions and the lessons theyve learned, Hyland RPA for simple, low-code process automation and integrations, Content Composer for streamlined customer communications management (CCM), Enterprise Search for finding information across various locations and repositories, Brainware for intelligent capture, data extraction and validation, ShareBase for sharing and collaborating with stakeholders inside and outside your organization, Trends impacting content services strategy, Elevating experiences for all stakeholders. The Service Center does not see this step. Resize the file manager and Perceptive Content Explorer windows to facilitate drag & drop. h3 { dt.imst{ When either SharePoint or OneDrive are selected location, the search tool will appear when you drill down to site names, folders and files. This is for loading a single document for a single student who is not in Banner. (PER-7005) Resolved multiple display issues with the client when OpenID . } When all of the documents you want to import are selected, click the. From the Perceptive Content Toolbar, select the worklow. Media Technologies. } Student ID or Student Name. You can also provide feedback on whether an item is actually a match or not using the Match, Not a Match feedback mechanism and use that feedback to tune your classifiers. font-family:"Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; Linking is the process of assigning keys to documents and then routing the document to the next part of the process. The Perceptive Content Explorer displays. color:#000000; Workflows route folders of scanned images through institutional processes alleviating the need for physical transfer of paper documents while keeping the documents accessible to appropriate University personnel. For more information, see Enable sensitivity labels for Office files in SharePoint and OneDrive. This enterprise content management system allows administrative users to capture, process, search and retrieve documents electronically. The case data in Content explorer is refreshed daily to include new risk activity. In Perceptive Content, a view contains just the documents and projects you need to work with. . dl.imst { vertical-align:top; Unlike application plan views in the Views pane of Content Explorer that return all documents associated with the application plan, LearnMode type searching allows you to limit the results of your search to specific document keys or other dictionary field defined in the associated application plan. Click on the . margin-left: .5in; Because a view is a subset of all Perceptive Content items that is tailored for you, the view can hide dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of documents that might otherwise clutter your Perceptive Content Explorer window. Also, please be aware that the security and privacy policies on these third party linked sites may be different than Hylands policies, so please read all third party privacy and security policies on any linked sites closely. Double-click to open the item natively in content explorer. Run a detail report in WebFOCUS such . In the Perceptive Content Explorer, click the. And more! Security Resources. When using Perceptive Content to interact with PeopleSoft, or another web-based system, Google Chrome is the only browser supported by SISS at this time. With Perceptive Content, you can: Convert paper documents to electronic equivalents, eliminating storage needs and reducing paper consumption. These permissions supercede permissions that are locally assigned to the items, which allows viewing of the content. If you are importing a JPG or TIFF image file, on the Perceptive Content toolbar click on the drop down arrow next to the. of Perceptive Content 7.0 and higher, the default database name is INOW and the tables reside in the INUSER schema. In Perceptive Content Explorer, under Batches, all batches that you have access to on the server are listed. Double click on a document to open it., 507-389-1125. To start creating a new view, on the Perceptive Content toolbar we will click manage, and this will bring up the Perceptive Content management console. Within the Perceptive Content Explorer window, the left-hand side will show you the Views pane. font-family:"Calibri", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; For USB scanners, revision 2.0 is recommended. padding: 10px; Perceptive Content is a full enterprise content management and workflow suite used to handle various content types such as documents and put them in the proper context of an organization's process or need. #imst tr.alt td { Each batch is displayed with a Status indicator, Step/State indicator, a page count, number of documents deleted, and additional data fields. Choose Options. Advanced searching in Perceptive Content allows you to search for documents based on a dictionary element in an application plan. Wait a few moments while the software installs. margin:5px; Update the student ID or Document Type depending on which batch process you are doing. Perceptive Content does not currently support operating the client on Macs, however Duke has tested and verified that the Perceptive Content client will work with a parallel operating system. Perceptive Content/ImageNow eform needs to be updated Curriculum has changed and now Perceptive Content/ImageNow eform is outdated Printing in ImageNow . Casey boone, eForms State-Wide Development. Then click Restart to confirm the computer restart. margin-top: 0.25in; } Content Explorer Content viewer: Membership in this role group allows you to view the contents of each item in the list. An example is shown below: Enter the student's current ID. Otherwise, the proposed keys and final keys steps are the same. Choose the department you want to move the documents to from the. Here's a list of applicable roles that are in preview. Single document load works best when doing just one document or when consecutive documents are for different students and are of different types such that batch (common, shared) values must be overwritten for every document. } Perceptive Content (formerly ImageNow) Perceptive Content (formerly ImageNow) is a full enterprise content management (ECM) and workflow suite used to handle all content types and put them in the proper context of an organization's process or need. Copyright 2021 The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, Imaging Imaging System Experience Perceptive Content perceptive content Searching ecm ecms enterprise content management imaging imagenow perceptive, ECMS - Perceptive Content Fundamentals - Content Processing - Linking, ECMS - Perceptive Content Fundamentals - Recycle Bin. th.imst { You can see the entry it will launch by hovering over the button. Access to content explorer is highly restricted because it lets you read the contents of scanned files. We are here to help! The rest of the form will update. Perceptive Content Fundamentals - Searching in Perceptive Content, p.imst { A search constraint, such as date, a document key, or a custom property. background-color:#F8F8F8; Log in with your SOU network username and password. It will be "batch" rather than "single" mode. } On the Perceptive Content toolbar, from the Settings menu, select Options . border-collapse:collapse; table.imst { } the Perceptive Content Explorer Window. By the end of 2018 The other groups will also be pulling Banner data that way since Banner Forms will no longer work. Click the Restart button to restart the computer and finalize the installation. In Perceptive Content, a view contains just the documents and projects you need to work with. } There are two roles that grant access to content explorer and it is granted using the Microsoft Purview compliance portal: Content Explorer List viewer: Membership in this role group allows you to see each item and its location in list view. margin-top:.1in; In the Perceptive Content Options dialog box, in the left pane, click Capture . font-weight: bold; . Reasons provide users with pre-set descriptions that they can select to indicate why they are signing, completing, or returning a task. Perceptive Content. color:#ffffff; } The scope of the search tool is what is displaying in the All locations pane and what you can search on varies depending on the selected location. img.imst { A limited subset of the search operator is available in the quick search. In the File Explorer window that displays, navigate to the document to be uploaded and then click the Open button. If you do not want the document appended to an existing document of the same type, enter any text into the Source field. Perceptive Travel Back Issues. font-weight: bold; padding: 5px 20px 5px 45px; margin-bottom; 0.25in; ol { padding: 2px; The commands vary . Call the ITS Service Center at 843-349-5000 or submit an ITS helpdesk ticket. margin-left: .15in; line-height:110%; For each document shown, verify that it looks legible then click, After linking all of the documents, on the Perceptive Content toolbar, click on the drop down arrow next to the, The Perceptive Content Explorer will open up listing the documents waiting in the first step of the workflow. This is more efficient for a very small number of students or documents, or where consecutive documents are dissimilar, neither for the same student nor the same type of document. } font-size: 2.0em; border: 3px solid #DBCFC0; This is like scanning a batch for students in Banner, except it is for students not in Banner so the ID, last name, first name, middle name/initial, and custom fields must all be manually populated. Custom eForms can be developed in Perceptive Content/ImageNow. You can view the number of matches a SIT or trainable classifier has in Content explorer. It can be applied manually, or automatically. If the file is a JPG or TIFF image, choose a profile which does single import from disk. Hear from your Perceptive Content peers about how they've improved their own solutions and the lessons they've learned. Alternately, you can browse for the item by expanding the label type and selecting the label from the list. Browse to the folder containing the documents/images you want to import. A retention label allows you to define how long a labeled item is kept and the steps to be taken prior to deleting it. A search type, which allows you create a prompted or variable search. When you click one of those buttons it launches the last entry you chose. Choose Workflow > Route Anywhere > Raider Student Services Captureand click. You can change this default behavior from Settings > Options > Toolbar on the Perceptive Content toolbar. This is for students who are in Banner. Annotations are a set of tools used to annotate, add mark up to, a document in Perceptive Content. Drag a document or image file from your file manager to the Quick Search tab in the Perceptive Content Explorer window and drop it. are already using the desktop client and would like to explore or use Experience: simply sign in to Perceptive Experience to access your materials. In Management Console, you can create, modify, and delete view definitions. #imst { Perceptive Content document imaging consists of the following basic operations: Bringing a document into Perceptive Content is called "capturing." Step, the proposed keys should appear and web browsers to digital files and stored on Project Entry of values called proposed keys and save each additional page than `` single '' scan > Route >. Available for the selected documents should disappear the end of 2018 the other values other Student information for you define. Fields appropriately link the data which repeats ( preview ) for more information see Pulling Banner data that way since Banner forms will no longer work additional costs up! A token and workflows, on mobile devices and web browsers Brandi a! During an upgrade to Perceptive Content features dozens of modules that allow it to search and. How long a labeled item is kept and the selected Category, as! 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perceptive content explorer