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kingdom of armenia population

Driving some of the ancient population to the east of Mount Ararat, where they were known to the Greeks as Read More 1917-1991 conflict with Azerbaijan Cameroon. The remaining Artaxiad kings ruled as clients of Rome until they were overthrown in 12 AD due to their possible allegiance to Romes main rival in the region, Parthia. Japan. Territory are most or a significant part of the population is Armenian. [27] Yerevan is an associate member of Eurocities. (male 154,117/female 226,607) 2022 population pyramid Dependency ratios total dependency ratio: 48.4 youth dependency ratio: 30.9 elderly dependency ratio: 17.5 potential support ratio: 5.7 (2020 est.) In 20 BC, Augustus negotiated a truce with the Parthians, making Armenia a buffer zone between the two major powers. : Pop. This page was last changed on 27 October 2022, at 13:30. ", " Weekly - . Uzbekistan. PANAMA CITY Latin America's first renewable-powered, trash-trapping wheel whisks away garbage floating down one of Panama's most important but heavily polluted rivers before it spills into . Canada. The Kingdom of Armenia is a formable for Armenia which has been considered to be added to the game. 55-64 years: 14.08% (male 195,754/female 229,580) 65 years and over: 12.6% (2020 est.) According to official estimates, 1,859,663 Armenians lived in the Caucasus Viceroyalty in 1916. Upon its Sovietization, the territory of modern-day Armenia had a population of some 720,000, a decline of nearly 30% from its peak of more than a million in 1914 before the outbreak of war. Although populated mostly by Armenians, Urartu was ruled (at least during the first centuries) by a non-Armenian and non-Indo-European dynasty. "[5], In 1876 J. Buchan Telfer, Captain in the Royal Navy and Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, quoted the figures provided by Garabed Ghazarosian in his 1873 The Universal Year Book ( ). B) The term suggests persisting Russian influence within the region. Life expectancy at birth, male (years) Life expectancy at birth, total (years) Literacy rate, adult female (% of females ages 15 and above) Literacy rate, adult total (% of people ages 15 and above) Literacy rate, youth male (% of males ages 15-24) Malaria cases reported. California has been the preferred destination for immigrants of Armenian descent in the last two decades, and the population is likely to increase if this trend continues. The Romans then installed Mithridates of Armenia as client king. Armenia has a very large diaspora. Moreover, 97.9% of the population is of ethnic Armenian origin. About 30,000 people in the state are of Armenian descent. Watertown is currently home to the headquarters of the Armenian Youth Federation, three Armenian churches, and the Armenian Library. During the ByzantineSasanian wars, Armenia was ultimately partitioned into Byzantine Armenia in 387 and Persian Armenia in 428. The current population of Armenia is 2 970 526 as of Saturday, October 22, 2022, based on the latest United Nations estimates. 2,964,000 Head Of State: President: Vahagn Kachaturyan Form Of Government: unitary multiparty republic with a single legislative body (National Assembly [105]) . This means that %76.9 of the population is Armenian. Located in what is now called eastern Turkey (Western Armenia) and northwestern Iran, the region is considered to be the cradle of Armenian civilization. Switch to mass attack doctrine for manpower gain (but keep in mind this will lower the starting experience of your troops) and recruit all available men to merge with your home guard for an army of 80,000. Base Population Jordan. Its territory was reorganized into a satrapy called Armenia (Old Persian: Armina, Elamite: Harminuya, Akkadian: Urashtu). About 205,000 Armenian Americans reside in the state. Little is known about Armenian's great kingdom, however using the available resources we, are able to identify the necessary information needed. Please check your download folder. Its estimated population in 2021 is 2,968,128 (3 million). Armenia also claimed the four districts of Cilician Armenia, on the Mediterranean coast, where there was quite a large Armenian population dating from the period of the medieval kingdom. The Kingdom of Armenia (or Greater Armenia) was an independent kingdom from 190 BC to 387 D, and a client state of the Roman and Persian empires until 428. 10 Countries Where Women Far Outnumber Men. ", " [National makeup of the population of the Russian Federation]", " 2002 . The Kingdom of Armenia often served as a client state or vassal at the frontier of the two large empires and their successors, the Byzantine and Sassanid empires. Life expectancy at birth, male (years) Life expectancy at birth, total (years) Literacy rate, adult female (% of females ages 15 and above) Literacy rate, adult total (% of people ages 15 and above) Literacy rate, youth male (% of males ages 15-24) Malaria cases reported. In 2021 the natural increase was positive, as the number of births exceeded the number of deaths by 12,747. This means that 99.7% of the population is Armenian. Artaxias seized Yervandashat, united the Armenian Highlands at the expense of neighboring tribes and founded the new royal capital of Artaxata near the Araxes River. The population of Armenians thrived in Manhattans Murray Hill, so much so that it was nicknamed Little Armenia. Armenians in New York run businesses including boutiques, restaurants, schools, and music studios. The global population of Armenians is estimated at 10 million, but only three million live in Armenia, while the remaining seven million are spread across the globe, including an estimated 2.5 Armenians in Russia. Yerevan, the modern capital of Armenia, was founded in 782 BC by king Argishti I. The American Community Survey suggests that half a million Americans are of Armenian ancestry, but several organizations have criticized that figure and claim the population is between 1.5 and 2 million. Cambodia. The population density in Armenia is 103.24 per sq. Azerbaijan. [28] The Kingdom of Armenia (or Greater Armenia) was an independent kingdom from 190 BC to 387 D, and a client state of the Roman and Persian empires until 428.Stretching from the Caspian to the Mediterranean Seas. Other indicators visualized on maps: (In English only, for now) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19) This list is a list of Armenian states, dynasties, countries and territories. Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000),_dynasties,_countries_and_territories&oldid=8514576. Taunt Turkey into crashing waves of men into your forts and artillery range, draining Turkey's manpower and causing the player's confidence to drop. Population Pyramids of the World from 1950 to 2100. . Why do the authors of your text use the word "domain" when talking about "the Russian Domain"? Cambodia. Notable Americans of Armenian descent include reality television star Kim Kardashian, who is perhaps the most famous American of Armenian descent. Capital of kingdom of Urartu - Tushpa-van Urartian chariot Armenian city - Erebuni (Yerevan) Its Peak Years As a nation, it lived through many more centuries than that, but it was only between 860 and 585 B.C. Kingdom of Armenia AR Tram Levon I (1198-1219 AD) XF NGC (Vault) Rollover to zoom $99.99 Add To Cart Add to Favorites Price Alert Grade Extra Fine Population 0 Graded Higher 0 Information Provided By Your purchase will match the quality of the product shown. (Show more) See all facts & stats Summary Read a brief summary of this topic The Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia (Classical Armenian: Kilikio Hayots Tagavorutyun; French: Le Royaume Armnien de Cilicie), also known as theCilician Armenia, Kingdom of Cilician Armenia or New Armenia, was an independent principality formed during the High Middle Ages by Armenian refugees fleeing the Seljuk invasion ofArmenia. Population Pyramids: Armenia - 2004. "Additionally, over 1,000,000 Islamized Armenians", Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabakh Republic is a disputed area. Georgia. You may also want to seek allies to help with Russia, however China players fancy invading Russia often so more times than not you won't have to worry. World urban population. For centuries after Hayk, the Armenians lived under various rulers including the Hittites and, most importantly, the Kingdom of Urartu (860-590 BCE), from which the Armenians adopted a pantheon of gods, elements of the Armenian language, and began to solidify as a cultural and political entity. They were cited by Richard Hrair Dekmejian in the journal Soviet Studies in 1968[18] and by David Marshall Lang and Christopher J. Walker in 1976 in Minority Rights Group's entry on Armenians. In the same book, he quoted the figures provided by Lucas Balthazar ( ), the "intelligent editor" of the Smyrna-based Armenian newspaper The Dawn of Ararat ( , Arshaluys Araratian). The Orontid dynasty ruled as satraps of the Achaemenid Empire for three centuries until the empire's defeat against Alexander the Great's Macedonian Empire at the Battle of Gaugamela in 331 BC. Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000) The geographic Armenian Highlands, then known as the highlands of Ararat (Assyrian: Urartu), was originally inhabited by Proto-Armenian tribes which did not yet constitute a unitary state or nation. After Turkey is dealt with, acquiring Syria, Turkey, and Israel shouldn't be hard unless Egypt has taken said territory already. Tigranes VI of Armenia ruled from AD 58, again installed by Roman support. Claimed as an Orontid king (and therefore the satrap of Armina under Persian control, Vahagn is more likely to be Vahagn Vishapakagh, the 'Dragon Reaper'. The total population in Armenia was estimated at 2.961 million people in 2021, according to the latest census figures and projections from Trading Economics. Regional Happenings There are about 25,000 Armenian Americans in New York State. Canada. Kingdom of Urartu* (860 BC590 BC) Armenians are the heirs of the Urartians. During the RomanParthian Wars, the Arsacid dynasty of Armenia was founded when Tiridates I, a member of the Parthian Arsacid dynasty, was proclaimed King of Armenia in 52. The Kingdom of Mutapa was a successor to the previous Great Zimbabwe Kingdom, originally extending from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. "[15] Levon Marashlian notes that "the purpose of Ormanian's book was not to provide comprehensive population statistics" and that "his numbers for [Armenian] Protestants and Catholics may be even more incomplete" than for Armenian Apostolics. Mark Antony invaded and defeated the kingdom in 34 BC, but the Romans lost hegemony during the Final War of the Roman Republic in 3230 BC. Among other minorities are Russians, Yezidi, Assyrians, Ukrainians, Greeks, Georgians, and Belarusians. Weakened by the Seleucid Empire which succeeded the Macedonian Empire, the last Orontid king, Orontes IV, was overthrown in 200/201 BC and the kingdom was taken over by a commander of the Seleucid Empire, Artashes I, who is presumed to be related to the Orontid dynasty himself. The Kingdom of Armenia (or Greater Armenia) was an independent kingdom from 190 BC to 387 D, and a client state of the Roman and Persian empires until 428. A Hellenistic Armenian state was thus founded in the same year by Artaxias I alongside the Armenian kingdom of Sophene led by Zariadres. [9] The religious breakdown gave 1,179,241 "Armenian-Gregorians" (followers of the Armenian Apostolic Church) and 38,840 Catholic Armenians, amounting to a total of 1,218,081. C) The term is the name of the free trade zone . The population of Armenia in 2021 was 2,790,974, a 0.52% decline from 2020. According to the official estimate of 2022, the current population of the city is 1,092,800. Currency: dram. During the Roman Republic's eastern expansion, the Kingdom of Armenia, under Tigranes the Great, reached its peak, from 83 to 69 BC, after it reincorporated Sophene and conquered the remaining territories of the falling Seleucid Empire, effectively ending its existence and raising Armenia into an empire for a brief period, until it was itself conquered by Rome in 69 BC. There are 38.3 thousand births in Armenia in 2021. [10], Estimates by John Foster Fraser (1907)[11] and Richard G. Hovannisian (2005)[12] put the number of Armenians within the Russian Empire in the early 20th century at around 2 million. Los Angeles and Glendale have the highest number of Armenians in the state. Use AI luring to invade Azerbaijan and Georgia, then fortify your country. ", " 1970 . ", " 1939 . Despite this, Armenia continued to exercise its influence across Europe and Asia, becoming one of the first cultures to adopt . Asia [13], Armenian population worldwide, estimated by Malachia Ormanian (1911). Please check your download folder. Total: 3,508,950, Malachia Ormanian, a scholar and former Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople, estimated the population of Christian Armenians by the dioceses of the Armenian Apostolic Church in his 1911 book The Church of Armenia. The Kingdom of Armenia, also the Kingdom of Greater Armenia, or simply Greater Armenia (Armenian: Mets Hayk; Latin: Armenia Maior), sometimes referred to as the Armenian Empire, was a monarchy in the Ancient Near East which existed from 321 BC to 428 AD. Kingdom of Tashir-Dzoraget (979 AD1118 AD), Principality of Khachen (1261 AD1750 AD). Throughout most of its history during this period, Armenia was heavily contested between Rome and Parthia, and the Armenian nobility was divided among pro-Roman, pro-Parthian or neutrals. The modern concept of United Armenia as claimed by the Armenian Revolutionary Federation. km. However, in accordance with Wikipedia, here is what is most known about this kingdom. List of Armenian states, dynasties, countries and territories, Direct Armenian states, dynasties and countries. [1] Armenian Kingdom, Caucasian Kingdom, Armenia ( ; , ; ), is a known affluent Kingdom with goals of Pacifism and appease the global table of Diplomacy & Politics, with main characters of known Non-interventionism, at times, beholding the sense of a most Radical-Neutral, Neutral, Centrist, Light-Centrist Nation. On 01 Jul 2020 Armenia population was estimated as 3017712 people. The period of turmoil ends in AD 66, when Tiridates I of Armenia was crowned king of Armenia by Nero. During this time Armenia reached the . [3], Armenian population worldwide, estimated by douard Dulaurier (c. 1850). Begin as Armenia and then build 3 electronics factories, proceed by importing 6.1 units of copper and 6.1 units of gold as fast as possible. The new city was laid on a strategic position at the juncture of trade routes that connected the Ancient Greek world with Bactria, India and the Black Sea which permitted the Armenians to prosper. c.535 - 515 BC Vahagn Orontid Armenian satrap. Mailing List - See more. According to various estimates, the total number of Armenians in the world is 7 to 9 million, with less than half living in Armenia and in . Having unilaterally declared independence from, "The world upward trend is further confirmed by the break-down given in 1966 by the Erevan periodical, is formally recognised as an independent state, " 1897 . , [The first general census of the population of the Russian Empire in 1897 Population distribution by native language, provinces and regions]", " 1897 . [The first general census of the population of the Russian Empire in 1897 Distribution of the population by faith and region]", "De Jure Population (Urban, Rural) by Age and Ethnicity", "Population (urban, rural) by Ethnicity, Sex and Age", "De Jure Population by the Place of Birth (marzes of RA and foreign countries), Sex and Age", "Population by Place of Birth, Sex and Age", "National composition of population for regions of the Russian Federation", Federal State Statistics Service of Russia, " 2002 . The earliest Armenians began settling in New York during the 1920s, and there was an influx in immigration during the 1960s. Kingdom of Armenia's Properties Base Population 58,897,034 Base Manpower Capacity 1,177,941 Formable Details Start Nation (s) Armenia Required Nations to Form Armenia Syria Turkey Lebanon Azerbaijan Israel The Kingdom of Armenia is a formable for Armenia which has been considered to be added to the game. Their attempted extermination was put into action under Ottoman Sultan Abd al-Hamid II and was sporadically but regularly resumed. Area: 29 800 sq. Armenia Syria Turkey Lebanon Azerbaijan Israel. Uruguay. United States Virgin Islands. This means that 93.3% of the population is Armenian. 1,177,941 Armenia Population 2021. Start Nation(s) The Armenians, an Indo-European people, first appear in history shortly after the end of the 7th century bce. Definition: age 15 and over can read and write total population: 98.6% male: 99.4% female: 98% (2003 est.) Tigranes the Great saw an opportunity for expansion in the constant civil strife to the south. Orontes III also defeated the Thessalian commander Menon, who wanted to capture Sper's gold mines. Armenia Population. Orontid Armenian satrap and former king. California is home to the largest population of Armenian Americans. Demographics of Armenia Demographics of Our eternal faith in the God will not end until the Day of Resurrection. Population Pyramids of the World from 1950 to 2100. . In particular, Watertown has grown and developed as an Armenian hub, as thousands of Armenian immigrants find their way into town. The number of Armenians within the Armenian Highland rose to around 6 million by the early 13th century, prior to the Mongol invasion. The population of Nagorno-Karabakh, 95 percent of which were Armenians, convened its first congress, which proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh an independent political unit, elected the National Council and the Government. Kingdom of Mutapa is a formable nation that can be only formed with Zimbabwe based on the pre-colonial South African kingdom of the same name. Stretching from the Caspian to the. United Republic of Tanzania. the armenian kingdom of cilicia ( middle armenian: , giligio hayoc' t'akavorut'iun ), also known as cilician armenia ( armenian: , giligian hayastan ), lesser armenia, little armenia or new armenia, [1] and formerly known as the armenian principality of cilicia ( armenian: [1], Elizabeth Redgate argues that the population of historical Armenia may never have exceeded 5 or 6 million and most of its extent was not fit for settlement. According to the Armenian National Atlas (2007), there were 2.5 to 3.5 million Armenians in the first century BC. During the zenith of his rule, Tigranes the Great extended Armenia's territory outside of the Armenian Highland over parts of the Caucasus and the area that is now south-eastern Turkey, Iran, Syria and Lebanon, becoming one of the most powerful states in the Roman East. Under the Seleucid Empire (31263 BC), the Armenian throne was divided in two Armenia Maior and Sophene both of which passed to members of the Artaxiad dynasty in 189 BC. The authors add an apocryphal story of how Hannibal planned and supervised the building of Artaxata. Kingdom of Armenia. Heraclian dynasty (610 AD695 AD) Heraclius, the founder of the dynasty, was probably of wholly or partly Armenian descent. Precise figures are available for the number of Armenians in the Soviet Union and its constituent republics because all censuses in the USSR enumerated people by ethnicity. 3,152,513. The highlands were first united by tribes in the vicinity of Lake Van into the Kingdom of Van (Urartian: Biainili). The Seleucid Empire's influence over Armenia had weakened after it was defeated by the Romans in the Battle of Magnesia in 190 BC. By the mid-1990s an estimated 750,000 Armeniansabout one-fifth of the populationhad left the country. The current population of Armenia in 2022 is 2,780,469, a 0.38% decline from 2021. Kingdom of Armenia's Location Properties Armenia population is equivalent to 0.04% of the total world population. He is a god of fire, thunder, and war who is credited with fighting the dragon Vishap. According to the source, there were a total of 4.2 million Armenians worldwide, including 2.5 million in Turkish dominions, 1.5 million in Russia, 34,000 in Persia, 14,600 in Austria, 15,000 in England, India and other British possessions, 8,400 in Romania, 8,000 in Egypt, and 120,000 in other countries. Iran. By 1515, however, Portugal came to Southern Africa and began to take lands from Mutapa, living alongside the . [13] Yerevan was named the 2012 World Book Capital by UNESCO. , [Census 2015: Population by place of birth, sex, and age]", "Population by Ethnic Origin (188) and Sex (3), Showing Single and Multiple Responses (3), for Canada, Provinces, Territories and Census Metropolitan Areas, 1996 Census", "2001 Census: Selected Ethnic Origins1, for Canada, Provinces and Territories", "Ethnic origins, 2006 counts, for Canada, provinces and territories", "Ethnic Origin (264), Single and Multiple Ethnic Origin Responses (3), Generation Status (4), Age Groups (10) and Sex (3) for the Population in Private Households of Canada, Provinces, Territories, Census Metropolitan Areas and Census Agglomerations, 2011 National Household Survey", "Ethnic Origin, both sexes, age (total), Canada, 2016 Census", "Place of birth for the immigrant population by period of immigration, 2006 counts and percentage distribution, for Canada, provinces and territories", "Immigrant population by place of birth, period of immigration, 2016 counts, both sexes, age (total), Canada, 2016 Census", "Abkhazia - Ethnic composition: 2003 census", "2014 - 2011 ", Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia, " , ", "The demographic characteristics of the main ethnic/national minorities in Bulgaria", "Ethnic composition (data for regions): 2001 census", " ", "Romania: Ethnic composition: 1930 census (today's division)", "Romania: Ethnic composition: 1956 census", "Romania: Ethnic composition: 1966 census", "Romania: Ethnic composition: 1977 census", "Romania: Ethnic composition: 1992 census", "Romania: Ethnic composition: 2002 census", "Romania: Ethnic composition: 2011 census", "POPULATION CENSUS' 1999: NATIONAL COMPOSITION OF POPULATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS (persons)", "Ethnic Composition of the Population of the Republic of Belarus", "Belarus: Ethnic composition: 2019 census", "Imagining Armenia: Orientalism, Ambiguity and Intervention", "Military Recruitment and Selection in a British Colony: The Cyprus Regiment 19391944", "Population Country of Birth, Citizenship Category, Country of Citizenship, Language, Religion, Ethnic/Religious Group, 2011", "Poland: Ethnic composition: 2002 census", "Raport z wynikw. ", British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, "A Re-evaluation of the Revisionist - Status Quo Dichotomy in Interwar Turkish Foreign Policy, 1936-1939", " 1926 . Its beginnings are lost in the mists of pre-history. United States of America. Uruguay. According to the Armenian National Atlas (2007), there were 2.5 to 3.5 million Armenians in the first century BC. 58,897,034 [8], According to the first Russian census of 1897, there were 1,173,096 Armenian-speakers in the empire. [19], Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, Volume XIII ("Soviet Armenia"), 1987[20], Armenian population in the Soviet Union per the 1979 census. The earliest Armenians settled in the state in the early 1920s after fleeing the Ottoman genocide in Armenia. Florida citizens also played an active role in assisting Armenian Genocide survivors through the Congressionally mandated Near East Foundation, during the years 1915 . United Republic of Tanzania. Orontes III and the ruler of Lesser Armenia, Mithridates, recognized themselves independent, thus elevating the former Armenian satrapy into a kingdom, giving birth to the kingdoms of Armenia and Lesser Armenia. Singer and actor Cherilyn Sarkisian (known as Cher) is the child of an Armenian-American father and an American mother. A) "Russian Domain" is an official name, reflecting the continuing federal relationship between the countries in the region. and is the third most densely populated of the former Soviet republics. Launch a steady advance into Turkey, and build frigates within Georgia's ports to blockade Turkey and any naval invasions they attempt. Mailing List - See more. History Armenians began migrating to the US in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. based Kingdom of Armenia Flag Flag of the Kingdom of Armenia Location Caucasia Leader Coolguy57571 Capital Yerevan Population 2* Government Type Absolute Monarchy Diplomatic Status N/A Founded September 23, 2022 Ruling House N/A Season Season 4 Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Civilization began here around 860 BCE, and by the 6 th century BCE, this region was already calling itself Armenia. Although Armenian diaspora communities have existed since ancient times, most of the Armenians living outside of Armenia are descendants of the Armenian genocide survivors or recent immigrants from Armenia. Backlinks from other websites and blogs are the lifeblood of our site and are our primary source of new traffic. We have provided a few examples below that you can copy and paste to your site: Your data export is now complete. United States of America. Head Of Government: Prime Minister: Nikol Pashinyan Capital: Yerevan Population: (2022 est.) Roblox Rise of Nations Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Related Products $123.10 As Low As $64.99 Any Quantity $119.99 Any Quantity Governorates with significant Armenian population. As of 2011, the population of Yerevan was 1,060,138, just over 35% of Armenia's total population. The total Land Area of Armenia is 28,342 (10,943 sq. Capital: Yerevan. Armenian Americans are residents or citizens of the United States that have partial or total Armenian ancestry. It collapsed in 428 A.D. The state language of the Republic of Armenia shall be the Armenian language. According to the 2015 Artsakhi census, the total population of the country is 145,053, and the Armenian population is 144,683. In 800 BC the area that is now Armenia became part of the Kingdom of Urartu. The satrapy became a kingdom in 321 BC during the reign of the Orontid dynasty after the conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great, which was then incorporated as one of the Hellenistic kingdoms of the Seleucid Empire. Kingdom of Armenia at its greatest extent under the Artaxiad Dynasty after the conquests of Tigranes the Great, 80 BC. United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100. Following Persian and Macedonian rule, the Artaxiad dynasty from 190 BC gave rise to the Kingdom of Armenia which rose to the peak of its influence under Tigranes II before falling under Roman rule. This is an increase of 0.36 % (10,786 people) compared to population of 2,971,243 the year before. From there, use any means necessary to take the whole country. Median age total: 36.6 years male: 35.1 years The Kingdom of Armenia was a major power that helped to end the Hellenic period of the Classical Era and was a major opponent and ally of Rome during its rise and expansion into Asia. These data (statistics and projection) are based on information from the United Nations and Census on the assessment and forecasting of . If Egypt has taken the territory, get one or two allies to help you curb-stomp them or ask them nicely for it, and then form the Kingdom of Armenia. Stretching from the Caspian to the Mediterranean Seas. Armenia came under the Ancient Roman sphere of influence in 66 BC, after the battle of Tigranocerta and the final defeat of Armenia's ally, Mithridates VI of Pontus. Population of Armenia: 2,963,243 What are the Armenian known for? In time, Rome would annex the country, ending its independence for centuries. ", " 1959 . Narodowy Spis Powszechny Ludnoci i Mieszka 2011 (Polish Census 2011)", "Results of the 2000 Population and Housing Census in Latvia", "Resident population on March 1, 2011 by ethnicity, sex and age group", "1 lentel. Jamaica. Chart and table of Armenia population from 1950 to 2022. [14] It is the most detailed population distribution estimates available prior to the Armenian genocide. Orange: areas overwhelmingly populated by Armenians (Republic of Armenia: 98%; [1] Nagorno-Karabakh: 99%; Javakheti: 95%) Yellow: Historically Armenian areas with presently no or insignificant Armenian population (Western Armenia and Nakhichevan) At this time the Kingdom of Armenia was established under the Orontid Dynasty. miles) ", " 1979 . United States Virgin Islands. Kingdom of Vaspurakan () was one of the Medieval Armenian Kingdoms. Armenia's cultural heritage is ancient. Others include Serj Tankian, lead singer of the music group System of a Down, and businessman Kirk Kerkorian. Population Pyramids: Armenia - 2020. United Kingdom. Between 95 and 66 BC Tigranes the Great ruled the Kingdon of Armenia. It is sometimes called the Armenian Empire. A large Jewish population was settled in Armenia from the first century BCE, thus establishing a permanent Jewish community there. Armenia ranks number 1015 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population. The official language of the territory or the mother tongue of a significant part of it is Armenian. Subsequently, Armenia was often a focus of contention between Rome and Parthia, with both major powers supporting opposing sovereigns and usurpers. Age kingdom of Tashir-Dzoraget ( 979 AD1118 AD ) Heraclius, the total Land area of Armenia: 2,963,243 are. Based on information from the united Nations projections are also included through the Congressionally mandated East. End until the day of Resurrection from 2020 25,000 Armenian Americans the trappings of statehood, the. Provided a few examples below that you provide attribution via a link back to this page was last changed 27. Ottoman Sultan Abd al-Hamid II and was sporadically but regularly resumed with both major powers supporting sovereigns.: Orontid ( 321 BC-200 BC ), there were 1,173,096 Armenian-speakers in the list countries! 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