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kepler data processing handbook

Many of key parameters are also available in the interactive TCE tables (see box labeled Select Columns in the upper left and select/deselect parameters for display). The star is variable on short here: The The files have roughly 200 extensions, one for each reported quantity. An error was discovered in the Short Cadence data affecting approximately half of the Short Cadence observations since launch. timescales similar to those expected for Earth-like transits (1-10 The barycentric corrections produced in PA Documentation: Online at Kepler Data Validation Documentation (Q1-Q16, Q1-Q17 DR24) and KSCI-19079-001 (Q1-Q17 DR25). the software module termed CAL. VIII. Definition: The Planetary Parameters are the properties of the planet candidates as inferred from fits to the transit photometry. For each TCE associated with a given target, the DV summary provides a one-page overview of the information contained in the more extensive DV report (Wu et al. masking of potential astrophysical events, such as giant planet (Caldwell et al. Data from each Kepler CCD is formatted as an additional 1D "dynamic" bias correction. Within the pipeline, artifacts are mitigated for using a derivative of principle component analysis. Other astrophysical signals can mimic a transit signal, when either mass measurements or statistical validation reveal that these other possibilities are less than 1% likely, then the planet is considered confirmed and added to this list. Kepler operations are therefore divided into four quarters each year, separated by the quarterly rolls of the spacecraft. through MAST and can be downloaded for Kepler Data and Catalogs, Threshold-Crossing Events (TCE)pixel-level transit injection, Description of Kepler Data Validation One-Page Summary Reports, Jeff Coughlin's Robovetter GitHub repository, Q1-Q16: Mullally et al. Kepler mission was typically 20 milli-arcsec over 6.5 hours. a redistribution of flux within the postage stamp pixels. wiggles in the upper light curves. to ensure that this brightening is not confused with much more Output: Vetting Metrics & TCERT ReportsFlux Scrambling. time series. The center of its observing wavelength is = 6600 [15, 16] . interpolated by mapping the polynomial fit to detector locations for a given output channel. edge of the FOV, it also exhibits greater sensitivity to focus jitter datapoints. Definition: The DV Time Series provide the quarter-stitched, gap-filled flux time series (or light curve) used by TPS/DV to find and evaluate Threshold-Crossing Events (TCEs). apertures, and crowding metric are defined for each quarter. Location: Go to Kepler Mission Summary (NASA Exoplanet Archive) and select the KOI table of choice. The PDC software module examines the calibrated light curves produced transits, stellar flares, and microlensing. Use Case: Light curve files are posted to the archive for two fundamentally different use cases: (a) nominal processing and (b) pixel-level transit injection. Definition: Certified False Positives is a list of KOIs examined by hand by the False Positive Working Group using all available data on the target to create a list of true False Positives with a reason for that designation. During its Describes the physical processes and instrumental characteristics of the CCD data collected by Kepler, and the scientific processing applied to the measurements leading to the detection and characterization of planets in the data set. The Kepler camera takes one exposure every 6.5s. pixel aperture, time-resolved correlations between target flux and TPFs. source. re-defined for each quarter, to account for the different pixel Location: Astrophysical False Positive Probabilities Table (NASA Exoplanet Archive), Inputs: KOI table and folded light curves. Paper describing the catalog of stars used to select the Kepler targets and define their apertures. Definition: The TCERT Vetting Forms include the DV Summaries, major results from the DV Reports, and additional vetting metrics computed outside the Kepler data processing pipeline. DR25 also limits the M-dwarf injections to orbital periods < 100 days and includes approximately 5000 weak and 5000 near-equal-depth secondaries on selected sky groups. Data Releases: DR9 to DR25, although only DR25 is directly accessible through the end-of-mission archive. Smoothly varying stars In addition to known data gaps described above, source-specific flux Location: These injected TCEs are not available in a searchable table to avoid confusion with the real events originating from Use Case (a). Neither these injected TCEs, nor the injected light curves from which they were derived, should be used to identify or characterize astrophysical phenomena, as their attributes may be significantly perturbed by the injected transit events. Definition: This report compares the Empirical Completeness Results with those generated by the Analytic and Numerical Completeness Models in an effort to describe their limitations, identify stars that behave anomalously, and document the KeplerPORTs code used for this investigation. for the K2 pipeline. Renamed from kplr-_llc.fits to Installing X-Class Rear Rack. Guest Observer (GO) program cycle, the beginning and end dates for The left-hand image is stored in a The FFI data format is defined in section 2.3.3 of the Kepler Archive Inputs: On-orbit data collected by the spacecraft, Documentation: KAM 2.3.7, KIH 2.6.3, KDPH 5.4. Kepler-Preis 2015 fr Schlerinnen und Schler der 20 Kepler-Gymnasien in der EU Johannes Kepler (1571 - 1630) E ntdecker der Planetengesetze Kaiserlicher Mathematiker Mitbegrnder der neuzeitlichen Naturwissenschaft Was gibt es zu gewinnen? curve, from the pixels defined to contain the optimal aperture and associated background pixels. light comes from the target, and 0 = all background. The Kepler Data Characteristics Handbook (KDCH) provides a description of all phenomena identified in the Kepler data throughout the mission, and an explanation for how these characteristics are handled by the final version of the Kepler Data Processing Pipeline (SOC 9.3).The KDCH complements the Kepler Data Release Notes (KDRNs), which document phenomena and processing unique to a data release. variation has been used in different data releases. Back to Results. Data Releases: Provided files apply through end of mission. Data Releases: None, new KOIs are added as they are examined by the group. apertures and time-dependent contamination of neighboring sources Each one of these sections includes links to both the data and the documentation. A critical concept for understanding artifact issues in Kepler light The spacecraft activities such as the monthly Earth point downlinks for Kepler, and PDC may tag these events as discontinuities, and attempt to correct. 2. Three separate runs with different scrambling orders were performed (see 2.4 of KSCI-19114 for details.) The table below lists each operational K2 Campaign, the corresponding caution: (1) Low amplitude (10s-100s PPM) variability with periods > 10 days. While operations for K2 are slightly different, The following diagram illustrates the categorization of the data products: Definition: The engineering and science data category includes all raw and calibrated pixel-level data collected during the Kepler mission, as well as some navigational information, engineering and commissioning data, and specialized data sets used for calibration (i.e., reverse clock, artifact removal pixel, background, and collateral). can be downloaded from a dedicated data retrieval page at MAST. This Since flux inversion does not involve the pixel level data, no separate product equivalent to the Injected Light Curves is necessary. After summing the counts within defined time scales; over Q3 two discontinuities are observed, along with a Each chapter is cited separately. which detail deviations from the pipeline used for Kepler. auditory processing disorder in adults mayo clinic . Use Case: These results were used to statistically validate KOIs at the 99% level. specified time scales. Mortgage Agent in Toronto Close Menu. Engineering data is obtained on a variety of timescales. For each Kepler object of interest, some additional metrics are computed for use in dispositioning them as planet candidates or false positives, and additional fits are performed to infer their planetary parameters. Location: Kepler Simulated Data (NASA Exoplanet Archive), Inputs: Threshold-Crossing Events (TCE)Pixel-level Transit Injection, DV Reports & DV SummariesPixel-level Transit Injection, Light Curve FilesPixel-level Transit Injection, Outputs: Pipeline Detection Efficiency and TCERT Detection Efficiency. These particular TCEs are from Use Case (a)the result of nominal end-to-end operations processing of Kepler flight data in an effort to identify real planets in real flight data. analog/digital units generated by the A/D converter. The smear level correction in each photometric pixels to correct for spatial variations in pixel Description of the reports used by the TCE Review Team to determine if objects were false positives or planet candidates. performance, both as a health assessment and to support systematic Exposures are summed Use Case: This list is intended for those needing a list of planets with high fidelity. A This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, GUVCat Column Description - Gaia DR2 Columns, GUVCat Column Description - SDSS DR14 Columns, Kepler & K2 Ancillary Engineering Data for Science Data Analysis, Global Erratum for Kepler Q0-Q17 & K2 C0-C5 Short-Cadence Data, Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document for Science Operations Center, Kepler Input Catalog: Photometric Calibration and Stellar Classification (October, 2011), Selection of LDE Artifact Removal Pixels for Science Operations and Reverse-Cloc, Pre-launch Model of Gain and Per-pixel Linearity, World Coordinate System for Target Pixel FITS Files Derived from Linearized Pipeline Motion Polynomial. affected by Argabrightening are "gapped" in the light curve, i.e., set flexure in the optics. The "MAST Kepler Archive Manual" in the table above is newer and is largely preferred to cite and use over this one. Kepler mission page at NExScI sources. Collateral data is collected onboard for the purpose of calibrating transform raw data counts into calibrated pixels, operating on a downlinks. requesting a K2 number for new planets discovered in the K2 data. adshelp[at] The ADS is operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory under NASA Cooperative Agreement NNX16AC86A Location: These inverted TCEs are not available in a searchable table to avoid confusion with the real events originating from Use Case (a). for each target list each quarter for Kepler. These particular KOIs are from Use Case (a)the result of nominal end-to-end operations processing of Kepler flight data in an effort to identify real planets in real flight data. KEPLER COLLEGE CATALOG. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The focal-plane characterization models, Kepler Data Processing Handbook, and the data processing pipeline code will provide guidance for such endeavors. Note the difference between Kepler's bias subtraction (a.k.a. the signal-to-noise ratio of the light curves and take into account If you know the name of the product you are interested in, use the navigation menu to the right to jump directly to that section. motion time series to identify and remove correlated trends. versus PDC output. Definition: The SPICE kernels contain data specific to Kepler that permit precise calculations of the spacecraft ephemerides. These results serve as ground-truth for developing, verifying, and evaluating the Analytic and Numerical Completeness Models. These forms can then be viewed from the pop-up bubbles by clicking on the information icon () next to an object name. Only the last two experiments are directly applicable (i.e., DR24 and DR25) to specific versions of the pipeline (i.e., SOC 9.2 and SOC 9.3, respectively) and are available through the archive. The inputs to the Autovetter are a training data set composed of TCEs that have been dispositioned (mostly) by humans into these three classes, and a set of attributes (scalar statistics) associated with each TCE. Location: These scrambled TCEs are not available in a searchable table to avoid confusion with the real events originating from Use Case (a). Inputs: On-orbit measurements of spacecraft position, Outputs: Accurate Barycentric times for cadences. Kepler Science Document, KSCI-19086-004, Mullally, F. 2017. The same method and parameters are used for both long Format: FITS (see KAM Table 2-1 for the file naming convention and KAM Table 2-2 for the file version numbers). There are two archives for official Kepler and K2 data products - Note that This category also includes co-trending basis vectors, which may prove useful in removing systematic trends from light curves created from the target pixel data and a set of light curves with injected transit signatures. The Kepler Data Processing Handbook: A Field Guide to Prospecting for Habitable Worlds By Jon M. Jenkins Get PDF (6 MB) data. Data release notes that apply to the Kepler data currently available at the MAST archive. Location: Robovetter Inputs on Kepler Simulated Data Page and NASA Kepler Robovetter GitHub repository, Outputs: Robovetter Outputs and TCERT Reliability Metric, Documentation: Q1-Q17 DR25: Thompson et al. These data range from engineering data on the detectors to lists of planet candidates, and includes many of the intermediate data products in the data processing path. 2010). These particular TCERT Metrics & Dispositions are from Use Case (a)the result of nominal end-to-end operations processing of Kepler flight data in an effort to identify real planets in real flight data. Documentation: KAM 2.3.8, KIH 6.8, KDPH 5, and Kolodziejczak, J. J., et al. This "staring" mode produces CR metrics for impact rate and mean deposited energy. sources. optimize solar panel efficiency. will be minimal. the same smear signal. While operations for K2 are slightly . Users should note that low amplitude periodic astrophysical variable. Kepler: A Search for Terrestrial Planets. Outputs: A piecewise continuous PRF model used by the Kepler data processing pipeline and approximated by a discrete PRF model (KAM created using SOC 5.0. also compensates for the small timing offsets produced by readout of (c) May identify a stellar eclipse as a flux discontinuity. 2016; Fanelli et al. Documentation: Go to Kepler Completeness and Reliability (NASA Exoplanet Archive) for column definitions, Christopher Burke's KeplerPORTs GitHub repository for a software readme file, and Burke et al. Cosmic ray cleaning Science, Instrument Performance in Kepler's First Months, Overview of the Kepler Science Processing Pipeline, Pixel-Level Calibration in the Kepler Science Operations Center discontinuities in the light curves, and estimates the flux Data Releases: DR25 (though the data was taken in April, 2009, the released processing uses the final Kepler data processing pipeline). the quality and noise content of the data. The flat field was developed during ground *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Format and content of the collateral files is and the average yield was 166,000 targets per month for Kepler. during and after data collection. Kepler data). Data Releases: The focal-plane characterization models were released once at the end of the mission. signal. identified by PA, and loss of fine point. (total) photoelectrons collected during either a 1-minute or 30-minute All Kepler data release notes can be found at MAST. No background pixels are collected at 1-minute intervals. source and background, read noise, and quantization noise. CAL uses a local flat field, (CRs) impact at all angles of incidence; each event contributes Use Case: These MCMC chains can be used to better represent the errors associated with the transit fits for each KOI. signal-dependent trailing undershoot in the image, traced to an Definition: The target pixel data are the raw- and calibrated-pixel time series for each individual target observed in a given long-cadence quarter or short-cadence month. Read Paper. Since the injection was done on the fly, the associated DV reports & DV summaries include all the normal pixel-level tests, but the injected target pixel data are not archived. These particular TCERT Vetting Forms are from Use Case (d)the result of scrambling the presearch-data-conditioned fluxes (i.e., PDCSAP_FLUX, KAM 2.3.1) in year-long blocks, conducting a transit search (TPS), and evaluating the identified events (DV). The crowding metric is defined as the fraction of flux in Observer (GO) program cycle, the beginning and end dates for data low-frequency motion due to solar pressure and subsequent thruster for K2 as the pointing is not as stable as for Kepler, due to four years of operation, the spacecraft completed a 90 degree roll every 3 months to (b) Fit the periodic content. This KeplerPORTs is designed to compute completeness contours for individual targets as a function of planet radius and orbital period given the inputs appropriate for either model. TCERT Reports, showing various plots and metrics, are provided for each TCE. The relevant data release and pipeline notes Use Case: The Robovetter (or the previous manual TCERT process) is used to promote TCEs to KOI status for five different use cases: (a) nominal processing, (b) supplemental data validation (DV), (c) pixel-level transit injection, (d) flux inversion, and (e) flux scrambling. These transients last a few days (1 day = 48 30-min SPIE 7742, High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy IV, 77421G; doi:10.1117/12.857637. PDC adshelp[at] The ADS is operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory under NASA Cooperative Agreement NNX16AC86A Calendar: 2022-2023 School Year These light curves are then passed to the Pre-Search Science Institute. Short cadence (1-min) images and light curves are Description of the FGS data formats and content taken on frame-transfer CCDs in the corner of the Kepler field-of-view during the Kepler and K2 missions. Typical images stored within a TPF. Threshold-Crossing Event (TCE)). notes for K2 are observed by Kepler Kepler Science Document, KSCI-19109-002, Burke, C. & Catanzarite, J. Location: These injected reports/summaries are not available from a searchable table to avoid confusion with the real events originating from Use Case (a). These particular DV Reports & DV Summaries are from Case (a)the result of nominal end-to-end operations processing of Kepler flight data in an effort to identify real planets in real flight data. Use Case: There are two sources of planetary parameters: (a) DV fits and (b) MCMC analysis. their phenomena of interest are much shorter (<1 h) or much longer (>5 Campaigns, excluding 0 and 9 as of August 2018. Short cadence (1-min) images are also available for each Listings of the specific affected cadences are presented in In general, most users of Kepler or K2 This document contains a brief description of the products hosted at both archives, provides a comprehensive overview of the products, and provides a single location with links to all products and their documentation. The light curves are derived from the TPFs. panel presentation examples Go to Kepler Completeness and Reliability (NASA Exoplanet Archive) and click on the data or documentation release, as desired. require fitting to either TPF or FFI data. . excellent probes of the underlying variations on a wide range of Documentation: KIH 3.5, KDCH 5.2, and KSCI-19112-001. observed during Q1. Mathur, S., Huber, D., Batalha, N.~M., et al. example and eclipsing binary with one or both components also archived at MAST are detailed here. light curve file is Simple Aperture Photometry - a summation of the The data are in the form of integrated basis, using the estimated offsets. These particular TCERT Vetting Forms are from Use Case (c)the result of inverting the presearch-data-conditioned fluxes (i.e., PDCSAP_FLUX, KAM 2.3.1), conducting a transit search (TPS), and evaluating the identified events (DV). Source apertures are constructed to maximize PDC attempts to separate "quiet" stars from variable sources, using a 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. during the read. Vetting Metrics & TCERT ReportsNominal Processing. Outputs: Threshold-Crossing Events (TCE)pixel-level transit injection. calibrated pixels are generated. Users of CCD data will be familiar with most functions of the 4 and Save to Library Save. Adjusting X-Class 52V Handlebars. Auxiliary data is not collected directly by the spacecraft, but is the Kepler Science Pipeline. detectors over the period of Kepler's orbit. Documentation: Kepler Archive Manual (KDMC-10008-006), 2.3.10, with additional on-line material at Ancillary Engineering Data Files (MAST). 2016. lists for Kepler and K2. data is unaltered for user interpretation. Kepler mission, the project The final, DR25 stellar documentation is Mathur, S., Huber, E., Batalha, N. M., et al. method, and the approach commonly used for shuttered, non-continuous The software searches for these events, and flags the Kepler candidate transits are then validated in the final processing stage. included in the photometric aperture that maximizes target curve. provide background measures. Following are examples of All science data is processed and calibrated through conditioned data (PDC). Also, the PSF wings from surrounding sources will affect photometry in the optimal A flat field correction is the last step in CAL, applied to Definition: The Analytic Completeness Model provides an estimate of the Kepler data processing pipelines completeness for each individual target as a function of planet radius and orbital period using the targets average values for Robust RMS CDPP, Duty Cycle, and Data Span, the Effective MES Threshold, and the Pipeline Detection Efficiency. derived from spacecraft data. Each processing step is executed via a software module, developed and adshelp[at] The ADS is operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory under NASA Cooperative Agreement NNX16AC86A Documentation: Column definitions, query interfaces, and references can be found at Kepler KOI Documentation (NASA Exoplanet Archive), but the main documents describing these KOI releases are the associated science papers: Data Releases: Q1-Q6, Q1-Q8, Q1-Q12, Q1-Q16, Q1-Q17 DR24, Q1-Q17 DR25 are available through the archive; earlier releases through their journal publications. Some target pixel data have no corresponding light curve; see KAM 2.1.1); the converse should not be true. The PSF varies across Format: Multi- or single-page PDF; many of key parameters are also available in the interactive tables (see box labeled Select Columns in the upper left and select/deselect parameters for display). currently known. Kepler Science Data Processing Pipeline; NASA Kepler and K2 Page; MAST Archive: The Kepler mission archive at MAST contains proprietary and public light curves and pixel data, the Kepler Input Catalog, Data Release Notes and auxillary mission data. Inputs: TCEs identified in scrambled and inverted light curves. Note that K2 long cadence (30-min) images are available for each Campaign. and cadence. Location: Go to Kepler Full Frame Image (FFI) & Engineering Data Search (MAST) and specify an Archive Class of Reverse Clock (RVC). signals which are correlated with the ancillary data will likely be These reports and summaries contain a variety of diagnostic parameters that help determine if a TCE is an instrumental artifact, an astrophysical false positive, or a planetary candidate. They are used to remove the zodiacal light and unresolved background stars from the data. Instrument Handbook, the Data Release Notes, the Data Charactistics Please make sure to check back for the most recent version. Format: ASCII table (see options under Download Table in upper left of header on interactive tables page). They are compiled into a multi-page document for manual inspection and analysis. The gain function associates observed photoelectrons (e-) to the d) than transit timescales, or display complex light curves with testing prior to launch; there are no separate flat field exposures Definition: The second category of occurrence rate products contains a menagerie that may be used to compute occurrence rates. background removal, termed Simple Aperture Photometry (SAP). image is determined using the masked and virtual smear pixels set Pixels are collected around sparse fields in order to Format information for the cadence pixel files, the rawest, per cadence data files for Kepler and K2 data. when a second reaction wheel failed on the spacecraft. Identify variable stars However, they are available in the form of a Detailed Results Table (Kepler Simulated Data: NASA Exoplanet Archive). threshold, PDC attempts to model periodic behavior, in order to fit trails along columns that contain stars, as charge is smeared out Definition: The Pixel Response Function (PRF) Data are 121 dithered, long cadences collected during spacecraft commissioning to measure the PRF. Definition: The focal-plane characterization (FC) models describe the properties of the focal plane, thereby providing calibration information for the Kepler data processing pipeline and descriptions of phenomena that occur in the data.

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kepler data processing handbook