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why does hunter zolomon hate the flash

The distinct difference that makes Hunter Zolomon stand apart from the other characters is that he initially didn't rely on anything related to the Speed force. [1] Hunter, however, insisted Barry could do it, stating Barry was a better speedster and hero than he ever was, and with this inspiration Flash was able to beat Dr. Light. Hunter came to the conclusion that Wally's refusal to help was because of never suffering a personal tragedy unlike Barry Allen. In the wake of Flash's victory over Weather Wizard and Trickster, Zoom met by Harry who demanded to see Jesse alive and well before anything else. Labs during which Flash immediately noticed the undead speedster and attempted to escape in an elevator. Zoom then scooped up his nemesis's unconscious body, raced back to his lair and sealed Barry in a glass prison nearby Jesse. Among those Zoom employed were Killer Frost, Deathstorm, Reverb, Rupture, King Shark, and Black Siren as his enforcers to keep Central City's criminal gangs in line. Zoom's meta-human plans took an unexpected turn when he was contacted by Dr. Light who claimed to have killed the Flash and threw the man's emblem through one of the breaches as proof. Labs and grew angry at the possibility his nemesis would return. We know that Nora got that trait when she used the negative speed force made by Eobard Thawne aka the Reverse-Flash. Labs, but Hunter immediately scolded Harry for this plan. Caitlin later shared the news of Hunter's sickness with Barry, saying that he was affected by Zoom stealing his speed at a cellular levels, and therefore they could replace his dying cells with healthy, identical ones. [31], The Black Flash is later sent by the Speed Force after Savitar who failed to kill Iris West in 2017, creating a timeline where Savitar never existed and thus is a paradox. General Information He plagued Bart Allen, aka Impulse, in the past. When Harry Wells's particle accelerator exploded as Zolomon was being electrocuted, the dark matter released gave him super-speed. After stealing the Still Force, Hunter reveals to Barry that the combined forces create an entirely new one called the Forever Force, allowing him to see all of time and space. Hunter met with Caitlin who recounted her dad's fight against a terminal sickness to explain this obsession with helping him. Once gaining enough speed, he adopted a villainous identity as "Zoom". [56], Zoom failed at destroying the multiverse (except Earth-1) but the Anti-Monitor succeeded by using an antimatter cannon to destroy the multiverse and most life within except the Paragons who were brought to the Vanishing Point.[57]. Barry's and Iris' childh. When Wally received speedster powers because of Barry's timeline changes, Barry drew inspirations from past mentors (including Hunter) to train Wally. After revealing this to the team, Cisco was asked to vibe the helmet once again, upon which Cisco realized, to everyone's horror, that Zoom and Earth-2 Flash were the same person. Hunter is the first main antagonist to successfully kill another main antagonist in the Arrowverse (having killed a time remnant of Eobard Thawne). The Flash is one of the premiere characters in the DC Universe. While it's possible, we're not totally convinced Zolomon's appearance is anything more than a nod to the fans. ", "Is Hunter Zolomon Zoom On 'The Flash'? The mainstream version can be found here: Zoom. As a result; Hunter became unstable, unhinged, twisted, demented and mentally ill, eventually finding an outlet for his homicidal urges by becoming a serial killer, killing with no real motive outside of sadism, according to the newspaper documenting his arrest. Could the coming episodes work Hunter Zolomon into the cast, or Central City Police Department? After Eobard and the Legion of Doom assembled the Spear of Destiny and changed reality, Zolomon was held captive by Eobard in S.T.A.R. [52], In a possible future that Nora West-Allen hails from, Zoom's suit and speed-dampening mask were displayed within the Hall of Villains in the Flash Museum sometime before 2032 along with other memorabilia from past villains that Team Flash had fought and defeated. Hunter noted Barry was clever to use his family against him and that family is a weakness. Harry thanked Hunter but Hunter, other than saying he would never take the drug again, retorted that Hunter could thank him by keeping Velocity 6 away from Barry.[11]. During season two, Caitlin grieves for Raymond, but grows closer to Hunter Zolomon while he was disguised as Jay Garrick. [41][51], Zoom's actions also indirectly affected two generations of Cicada. [9], With Dr. Light secured in the Pipeline, Barry decided to go through with Harry's plan. Not just any villain, either - he's the second man to call himself Reverse-Flash. [7] After Slick's defeat Zoom sent in "King Shark" from his world to kill the Flash.[8]. [53] Nora had studied all of the Flash's past battles, including Zoom sending King Shark to kill. But surprisingly, that wasn't even the biggest bombshell dropped in the developing subplot - at least as far as DC Comics fans of "The Flash" are concerned. Hunter is reminded that he broke the Force barrier by using Barry and Wally, so they also must find a way to repair the barrier in order to return and solve the mystery of Thawne's involvement. As most fans know, the Flash's sidekick is often kid flash who isn't as fast as their mentors but is able to become something great. DC Universe Movies and TV; Marvel Movies and TV. [1], Hunter confirmed the existence of The Flash of Earth-1 and spent the next six months piecing together clues and eventually learned his target's identity Barry Allen, along with other details of his life. After that, his fandom changed into hatred.He now wants to kill the Flash, s he can prove that he is better. Hunter also told them Barry was going to defeat Sand Demon by harnessing the lightning that radiated from him while running, and hurling it at Sand Demon to turn him to glass. Hunter expressed his sympathies but insisted he wasn't the same guy. When Barry tries to get back to being a speedster by recreating the particle accelerator explosion, Hunter watched a bolt of lightning strike S.T.A.R. CRISIS ON . THE FLASH #46 is a treat for longtime Wally West fans. As mentioned before, this was undone, but it doesn't erase the cruelty in Zolomon that caused the initial tragedy. For Wally West, that is the character of Zoom who is extremely dangerous while also being incredibly complicated. Joe subsequently attempted to take Hunter down as he fell for the trap but Hunter took the advantage and captured Joe before returning to Earth-2. As such, he moves at incredibly fast speeds through chronokinesis. Abandoned by Ashley and fired by the F.B.I., Hunter moved to Keystone City and became a profiler in the police's Department of Metahuman Hostilities. However, sometimes there are certain people that end up surviving the crisis and are moved directly to a new world with their memories intact. In order to defeat Zoom in last year's season finale, Barry created a time remnant. Once Team Flash's guards down were down, Zoom really did come through to Earth-1 and arrived right in front of Linda and simply stared at Linda for several moments as Linda got terrified, and took Linda to the roof of S.T.A.R. THE SPINE ON THE BOOK LOOKS TO BE IN GREAT SHAPE. On a larger scale, the novel's ultimate message - that past, present, future, good, bad, pain and joy are all part of one massive force. Barry subsequently saves Wally and returns Thawne to the predecessor's proper place in the timeline. Sadly, Jay doesn't go into any further detail, leaving the audience to draw their own conclusions about the mystery man based on little more than his appearance. He believed that tragedy would make Wally West a better Flash. [12] Zoom later becomes a member of Libra's Secret Society of Super Villains. Zoom wasn't done, however. To see other versions of this character, click the Earth name below for that Earth's counterpart of Hunter Zolomon. Hunter Zolomon has shown to be very troubled in the sense that he has dealt with many major tragedies in his life. Eobard was beset and immediately outmatched by the demonic speedster who proceeded to track and pursue relentlessly across time. Formerly, Keystone's Rouge Profiler and close friend to Wally, however after he refused to help Hunter as tragedy occurred, leaving him paralysed from waist down, he decided to take matters into his own hands which resulted in the beginning of Zoom. As "Jay", Hunter and Caitlin then worked on a way to close the other 51 breaches outside the S.T.A.R. Caitlin told him they could devise some way to get his speed back, but he said that when he arrived on Earth-1. Earth-Prime His appearance as the Black Flash is different from the comics, as half of his mask is torn off (which was full in the comics, although the reason for this is because Barry tore Hunter's mask right before the latter was transformed by the Time Wraiths) and his lightning emblem is red and reversed of The Flash's with a black (and sometimes white) background, but in the comics it had a white background and the red emblem was not a reverse of The Flash's. Are There Seriously No Missing Issues of DC's Infamous Sonic Disruptors Miniseries? He is portrayed by Teddy Sears. Shortly after, intending to break Barry emotionally, he murders Henry Allen, thus being indirectly responsible for Barry's timeline change. Noticing Hunter, Ashley pleaded for him to run but James took him in front of Ashley, giving the silver helmet to Hunter and is forced to suffer the trauma of watching his father gun down his mother in cold blood. Destroying the Cosmic Treadmill was Hunter's first sin, and it is one that could have had tremendous consequence. [55] In 2049, Zoom's Velocity usage inspired August Heart to recreate the Velocity 9 serum in to be the speedster known as Godspeed which Nora eventually learned. Origins. Derisively mocking Harry for believing Barry stood a chance of defeating him, Zoom stabbed Barry with one of his claws before bidding farewell. When Hunter Zolomon was caught in an explosion from the Cosmic Treadmill, he learned that he is able to manipulate his own personal time. When the team figured out that the next target for the Turtle would be an event that night at the Central City Museum, Hunter and Caitlin went, but the Turtle was able to foil Flash yet again. He left his wheelchair and normal speed behind, becoming faster than any speedster before. Hey guys it's me again. As fate would have it, he went about solving his problems in the same way that Eobard Thawne did years before (or centuries in the future, technically). Find out what else we thought about this issue! Although the two share a minor attraction and romance, Zoom still considers himself married to Ashley. Hunter equally commended Barry for the efforts in taking down Sand Demon but worried that Zoom would not be so easily defeated, since he claimed to have spent two years searching for Zoom, with no success and explained that his hate for Barry comes from his obsession with wanting to be the only speedster in the multiverse. On the day Hunter was to leave for college, he came home to find the police laying siege to his house. Alter ego Hunter seemed momentarily touched but then declared that it was far too late for Caitlin to return to him before attempting to kill Caitlin as well but his former love interest disappeared to his shock, however, when he delivered the killing blow, revealing a hologram as the real Caitlin was safe with Team Flash. Rupture failed but would still want to get justice, but Zoom said to wait for now as he needed Rupture to set an example and ordered Rupture to go to Jitters and kill the police. [6] Hunter also learned the names of Barry's then-current team members: Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Joe West, Iris West, and Martin Stein. RELATED: Race To The Top: The 10 Most Important Speedsters In DC Comics. How Do Elves Age in The Lord of the Rings - and When Do They Stop? Discovering the existence of Barry Allen/The Flash on Earth-1, Hunter traveled to the other Earth and acted as a friend and mentor, apparently training to fight Zoom, but actually planning to increase Barry's speed to eventually take it for himself. Barry thanked Hunter for his help and apologized for the lack of trust. Black Flash's job is similar to that of a Time Wraith, but, according to Eobard, Black Flash is "far worse than a Time Wraith". The two Flashes had a brutal fight where old wounds were rent open, and it gave Zolomon the opening he needed to destroy the Force Wall. One night, at the young and vulnerable age of 11 years old, Hunter came downstairs to find his father abusing his mother, demanding respect following service in the War of the Americas. Endeavoring to save Wally, Barry had entered the Speed Force to rescue Wally. A battle ensues between the three Flashes and the two Zooms. Not just any villain, either - he's the second man to call himself Reverse-Flash. Labs facility for amusement before cornering and disarming Harry. He is an enemy of the Flash Family, especially the third Flash, Wally West. Harry was surprised to see Hunter alive but mockingly accused him of hiding from Zoom, but Hunter told the circumstances of his arrival, yet Harry wasn't entirely convinced, causing the two to argue. Once arriving there, Zoom demonstrated his immense speed by snapping the neck of the camera man and every cop in the vicinity in mere seconds, only sparing Joe and Captain Singh due to his affection for Caitlin. This was Hunter's final point to prove to Barry, and based on the latter's rage, grief, and desire to kill him equaling that of his desire to kill Eobard at the time of his capture a year earlier, it appeared that he succeeded when Barry could go through with it, but is left for the Wraiths instead, thus underestimating Barry's heroic nature. Hunter Zolomon, otherwise known as Zoom and the Reverse-Flash, is a supervillain appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. Zoom's rampage on Earth-1 resulted in the loss of the fianc of Vanessa Ambres during the Metapocalypse, making Vanessa believe that all of the meta humans are evil. After Eobard escaped the Waverider's brig and was about to go search for the Spear of Destiny's fourth piece, Ray Palmer showed up and was able to distract Eobard long enough for Black Flash to get close enough for Eobard's watch to detect him. The story (work in progress) of how everything left in Hartley's life . He manipulated Wally West into trying to destroy the Speed Force, as Hunter claimed that it had imprisoned the other speedsters Wally had known, namely Jay Garrick, Impulse, Jessie Quick, Max Mercury, and others. For the speedster whose identity he stole, see Jay Garrick. As Barry revealed that they figured out Hunter's true endgame, Hunter simply confirmed it and laid out his one condition: if Barry backed out for any reason during the race, Hunter would kill Joe and Team Flash. Apply that idea toThe Flash as a whole, and it's clear the series is a literal interpretation of those same ideas, with both a Flash and Reverse-Flash, and an understanding that time is a moving, subjective force. In a previous version seen in the trailers and in the season 2 premier when Cisco Ramon saw him talking to Atom Smasher, Zoom's eyes glowed blue. Who is the real zoom in The Flash? Sand Demon started choking Flash (Hunter), while Flash (Barry) used super speed to kill Sand Demon as recently taught, and both Flashes came to Patty's aid. Having made his point, he sped off. Instead, Hunter kept the man not only as a trophy, but also to assume the man's identity to give false hope to Earth-2's people, revealing his captive is the true Jay Garrick. Hunter Zolomon was a friend of Wally. This includes making his life a living hell and giving him something that he will remember forever. After becoming the servant of the Speed Force, Hunter has a white emblem with a red lightning bolt and a red border. Hunter taunted Joe over his own plan to imprison Barry after their race, just as he did with Jay. To be honest, it's almost certainly too obvious to at this point and it's not all that interesting, either. The mainstream version can be found here: Black Flash. The hooded man is then revealed to be Zolomon proclaiming that the only way to make the Flashes better heroes is to pit them in a war where they'll experience tragedy. The Flash/Zoom Begin to Experience Speed-Force Issues: People have noted that there was a time on Earth-2 that both The Flash ("Jay Garrick") and Zoom (Hunter Zolomon) co-existed at some point . Biological Information 1ST APP HUNTER ZOLOMON ZOOM. Vinyl Figures Revealed", "10 'Arrow' and 'The Flash' Funko POPs We Need in 2018", "DC Collectibles Show Off New Figures In CW TV Line", "DC Collectibles DCTV Zoom The Flash Action Figure",, Superhuman strength, durability and reflexes, Zolomon as the Black Flash also appears in, The Arrowverse version of Zoom appears in, This page was last edited on 23 October 2022, at 06:39. That is a big part of why he recreated the accident which created the Flash in the first place. In the TV show, Hunter Zolomon is a character that appears in Earth 2 and he is connected directly to the speed force. [26][27] Additionally, Ryan Handley portrays Zoom's initial portrayal,[28][29] and Octavian Kaul portrays Zolomon as a child in flashbacks. [1] Since the War of the Americas never happened on Earth-1, it is likely that James Zolomon 's doppelgnger never went mad, and therefore the Zolomons had a . Flash then turned and raced around the building, building up for the speed-lightning before firing a bolt at Zoom who, to Flash's horror, jumped into the air, grabbed the lightning bolt in a somersault and hurled it right back at Flash with even greater force, scoring a direct hit. Badly beaten and weakened from the race, Hunter could only scream in terror as the Time Wraiths surrounded him and began forcibly transforming him into a zombie-like being, changing the lightning bolt emblem of his costume red as well as it's outline and the earpieces, turning the emblem circle white and turning his speed lightning red. However, it does appear that Hunter at some point had some normal relationships with other individuals, as he offhandedly mentions having had friends before his arrest. Around the same time, he also fought with another speedster in attempt to absorb the man's speed. Having gotten tired of being the villain, Hunter decided to become the "hero" as Jay Garrick/the Flash, stylized as the Crimson Comet, borrowing the name from the speedster he found on another Earth and kept as prisoner. He is the only main antagonist to have interacted with both the Reverse-Flash and, He is the second speedster who appeared in an episode of, Though it was never mentioned, Hunter is indirectly responsible for the events of. [2] The next day Zoom attacked Central City College and kidnapped Jesse Wells, Harry's daughter, to later blackmail Wells into helping him, imprisoning Jesse in his lair alongside his prisoner. Jay Garrick's Earth-1 Doppelgnger Has A Meaningful Name", "The Inside Story Of How 'The Flash' Created TV's Most Terrifying Villain", "Flashback S3 Ep.1: Exclusive Interview with Teddy Sears", "The Flash: Zoom's Secret Plan & Timeline Explained", "The Flash: "The Race of His Life" Review", "The Flash's Zoom to Resurface as Black Flash, on Multiple CW Shows", "DC's Legends of Tomorrow: "Aruba" Review", "New The Flash And Arrow Pop! When Barry, Cisco, and Harry traveled to Earth-2, Caitlin and Joe remained to protect the city. Finally, he carried Barry's body back to S.T.A.R. Labs exploded, he became something much worse. [1], At some point in his life, Hunter apparently visited the city of Atlantis where one of his best friends originated and admired it as a place one wouldn't ever want to leave.[2]. RELATED: 10 Things We Learned From DC's Flash Forward Series. Hunter would pick up homicidal tendencies because his father's actions psychologically damaged him. [13] Kid Zoom learns this lesson too well and ultimately betrays the Flash's Rogues and Zoom himself, revealing his own desire to make the heroes suffer whereas Zoom wanted them to work through their pain. Condemned to serve the Speed Force's will for all time, he was transformed into a savage, monstrous speedster known as the "Black Flash" driven by a lust to kill and operating on a newfound ability to sense the Speed Force's use by other speedsters. Zoom, or the Reverse-Flash, is a DC Comics supervillain first appearing in The Flash: Secret Files & Origins #3 (November 2002). Eobard Thawne is a sociopath that attacks The Flash (Barry Allen) due to him being destined to become his greatest rival while Hunter Zolomon is a tragic man that can't understand the world around him. Labs particle accelerator explosion, Hunter was affected during electroshock therapy by the dark matter emitted, giving him superhuman speed and various other abilities derived from it. However, with every Flash, there is always their arch-nemesis who is classified as their reverse. Harry denied this, asking why kill a man potentially capable to stop Zoom, and Hunter retorted he could never figure out Harry's motives; Barry stopped the argument, although to Caitlin, Hunter commented that every time he thought Harry was on their side, something happened to make him doubt that. As he lay bleeding on the ground, Hunter derisively declared that his nemesis, as a hero, would not kill him as having had already tried to do so once but failed. Hunter feels remorse for all the tragedy he inflicted on Wally, his best friend, and against Barry's pleas, resigns to fix the barrier by sacrificing himself as the Flash for atonement, due to him currently wielding the power of all four Forces. Hunter, driven by desperation, took the F.B.I.'s theories on the workings of the Cosmic Treadmill and attempted to hotwire the device so that he could use it himself. However, a calamity occurred that caused her to miscarry those twins. Labs with Barry to confront Harry and the team. It is unknown what happened to Zoom after this, although it can be inferred that the Time Wraith returned Zoom to his proper place in time and erased his memories to ensure the continuity of the timeline.[20]. Soon after, Geomancer caused tremors and collapsed a hospital. When he returned, Iris told him Iris had everything needed for her article. Zoom made his way back to Earth-1 with Wally. Though Black Flash tried relentlessly to break out, Eobard wold be sure that he would eventually give up altogether.[30]. [10] He is also pursued by the Justice League who seek to locate Sinestro after Batman and Green Lantern learn of the Sinestro Corps' existence. Black FlashZoom (formerly)The Flash (formerly) Bellowing in agony, Zoom temporarily collapsed on the floor before recovering in mere seconds and raced away. Years after witnessing his father murder his mother when he was a child, Hunter became a serial killer. During this time Hunter tends to be more wild, impulsive, and far less tactical than he usually was, and acts in a deranged manner more akin to that of a feral animal. During the climax of Death of the speed force, he decides to fix the force barrier following what he learned regarding Eobard Thawne having something to do with Zolomon's past. Labs particle accelerator . Zoom really didn't hate Flash. When Ashley was hospitalized after a car accident, Zoom awakened from his coma out of concern. Hunter Zolomon, also known as Zoom and formerly by the stolen identity of Jay Garrick / The Flash, is a major antagonist in the Arrowverse . Rather, his powers are the result of an explosion from the cosmic treadmill. When asked if Hunter had his suit, he confirmed, except his helmet, and Barry confirmed it was the same one that came through the portal 6 months before. Arrowverse Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Do not copy without permission. When Zoom is being taken away by the two Time Wraiths, he takes on an appearance similar to that of the. Linda Park, Wally West's wife, was to have twins with Wally. When Vibe opened a breach once again, Zoom made his way over. Though successful in making himself faster, the Velocity drug had deadly side-effects and afflicted him with an illness that was killing him. [2] He first appeared as Zoom in The Flash (vol. He has a strong dislike for Harry Wells, viewing Wells as a shady man who keeps too many secrets, and who focuses on creating and selling meta-human technology rather than owning up to the particle accelerator explosion, however, he still proved willing to go at lengths to save Harry's life. NEXT:Top 10 Alternate Versions Of The Flash. This became all the more tragic when he became Zoom as he wanted the Flash to go back in time and change things. Unbeknownst to Zoom, the Flash's allies refused to allow Barry to race, reasoning that Barry wasn't in the right mindset to face Hunter once more especially following Henry's death, before locking Barry in the Pipeline and attempting to trap Zoom on their own. Eventually noticing Barry's tactic, Zoom furiously leaped off the Magnetar and tackled Flash before boasting that Flash would be unable to stop the Magnetar regardless as it was too late. Later, Harry met secretly with Zoom and handed over the stolen Speed-Force, which Zoom then injected into himself. Caitlin stayed back and listened as Zoom delivered a speech before his meta-human "brothers and sisters", urging them to take Earth-1 from normal humans.[22]. Black Flash blindly charged in and searched the entire bank but could not lock onto Eobard since his target was repressing Speed Force usage and was thus invisible to Black Flash, although it could still sense his target was still in the bank. While the time remnant continued the race, the original Barry jumped off the Magnetar and freed Joe. More recently, Zoom returned in the Rebirth DC continuity to torment Barry Allen, Wally West, and Wallace West. [16] Additionally, now being closed off from Earth-1, Zoom imprisoned Killer Frost rather than kill Killer Frost due to looking exactly like Caitlin who Hunter had genuinely fallen in love with during his Jay masquerade on Earth-1. Nor did he use a special formula in order to make him artificially fast. The Flash has revealed another famous comic character, leading fans to wonder if Hunter Zolomon is the answer they've been waiting for [WARNING: This article contains SPOILERSforThe FlashSeason 2, Episode 11.]. After tossing Singh aside, he fatally stabbed Rupture with his claws and declared Rupture just as worthless as Reverb. Once the city was in the "Metapocalypse", Hunter left a sign for Barry to find on the Police department building, of his lightning bolt insignia. He hated Bart so much, simply because the latter made him realize that artificial speed is a pale imitation of the power of real speedsters , who possess a natural connection to the Speed Force. This slip-up later allowed Team Flash, with the help of Harry's knowledge of Earth-2, to find the clues to Zoom's true identity as a serial killer from Earth-2.[1]. However, both Barry and Caitlin couldn't find a doppelgnger for "Jay" in this reality, to their puzzlement; Barry then suggested Caitlin to just ask Hunter about it. Disappointed that Damage is not "improving", Zoom throws a sharp pipe to kill Damage. Hunter, however, protested against it, declaring it too dangerous; when Barry declared faith in the team to gain victory, Hunter announced that he wanted no part in that, stating that he didn't want to help Barry meet death. Undaunted, Hunter allowed Caitlin to roam freely in the lair, knowing that Caitlin couldn't escape, while he attended to other business. Hunter and Caitlin staked out in a van and discussed Hunter's "history" with Zoom where he claimed that Zoom scared him, "admitting" to not facing Zoom sometimes when he should have. It's impossible to know how much the novel's narrative relates to his own life, but the protagonist's longing to find his true self, and an understanding of his place in the world isn't hard to grasp for an orphan. Noticing the presence of the Flash, Reverb decided to contact Zoom and inform him that a new speedster had appeared on Earth-2. Zoom returns during the "Infinite Crisis" event as the Secret Society of Super Villains' chief speedster. To maintain control over the city, Zoom sought out almost every metahuman in Central City and forced to serve him, and killed the ones who refused. Continued in the Zoom II Profile. We would be delighted to see it. Labs injection gun. When Trickster made a citywide broadcast to challenge Barry, Hunter noticed a reflection in his eye, and noted it was a stuffed children's toy and narrowed down that Trickster was in an abandoned toy factory.

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why does hunter zolomon hate the flash